Right-Wing Moralizing

There’s a new column of mine up at Pajamas Media about all that insidious right-wing moralizing. Crazy Christians!


  1. – Eugenics and Other Evils, by G.K. Chesterton (Wikisource)
    “The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt.
    It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt.
    People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late.
    It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists.
    It is no answer to say, with a distant optimism, that the scheme is only in the air.
    A blow from a hatchet can only be parried while it is in the air.”

  2. “People who don’t believe in old superstitions understand that a woman owns her body and can make money with it however she wants — and that the government should probably help her with financing.”


    Frank J. still funny.


    17. BC:

    “….The Polanski stuff is one of those things that makes me hate the state of the current “free press”: you get massive amounts of he said/she said “coverage” but without anyone actually anyone detailing what exactly happened and what were the circumstances. In Polanski’s case, he was apparently going through a rough time at the time, and was likely suckered in by the girl was made up and acted as though she was older, evidently deliberately so by her mother for a pregnancy blackmail setup. You really, REALLY shouldn’t have to resort to police reports to find this sort of info, but….there you go.

    The link he provides is the probation report, not the police report and I guess he didn’t bother reading all the OTHER stuff that said he KNEW she was 13 from day 1. I wonder if he ever bothered to wonder why, if mom was “in on it” did then then go and call the cops?

    It’s almost like this guy was the exact liberal idiot the article was written about.

  4. Does the age of the victim of a violent crime really matter? Does the age of the loser in any face off between just and evil make a difference? Who the winner is is not a measure of just, or unjust, it is just a measure of who wins. What gives the winner the win is what the popular opinion is. Who is right, who is wrong doesn’t matter. The most popular person wins, no matter the means, actions, atrocities, or mercy offered to, or forced upon the defeated. I can’t say if God gave mercy to Teddy for killing Mary Jo, but I think it unlikely. I can’t say if God will forgive Obama for turning against Israel and America, I believe it has to be done to complete Gods plan. I know God will not look at Ronald Reagan and say to him “You f’d up the budget” and brought on the demise of mankind, nor will he say to George W. Bush that he didn’t do enough for poor people in Africa. I KNOW there are many islamic marters standing before satan, casterated, wondering where their 72 virgins are.

  5. Ive seen the 72 virgins they are real and very attractive. Also, they are all Jews, half are guys.

    I would very much like it if someone could narrow down a few things that collective lefties (is there any other kind?) believe in even if it hurts one of their own.

    Are you guys looking for another poster or do you ever accept reader submissions?

  6. Lol, I think God could definately see through any sort of pretense regarding Ted Kennedy simply by noting how he treated women after the death of Mary Jo. Teds got Jokes!!!! about the death of Mary Jo, wait taken out of the memoirs by a horrified family! Waitress sandwich anyone? I bet the waitress didn’t know she was on the menu! That Ted is just a big wormy bloated carcass full of laughs!

    I had a thing for 13 year old girls at a time, but I was just 10. Just think, all I needed was to wait 30 more years and produce an award winning film before it was actually appropriate to drug them and have my way! Liberals should produce an instruction manual as to when is and what time it is proper to drug and rape women/young children [not rape-rape].

    My great hope is that Polanski can help write an instuction manual about the two during his stint in prison. If a prisoner takes Mr. Polanski into the prison washroom and forcibly pours some prison ripple down his throat. Then romantic inmate porks him silly while he screams NOOOOOOO!!! That would just be rape, well if the prisoner is famous or prominent ofcourse. Rape Rape would just be some nobody thug who saw oppurtunity and nailed Roman because he was dumb enough to try to pick up the soap. Yep, hope he learns the difference!

  7. There is a twist of tragic Irony in Whoopie-Goldberg defending the Polanski incident by insisting it wasn’t “rape-rape”. The only reason it has to be clarified as such is because Feminists like her started labeling everything in reach “rape”. Which at first demonized anything with the label But of course quickly created a permanent question in every decent persons mind when they hear the accusation of rape. Sadly this was in fact “rape-rape” contrary to her protestations. But hey, the only people who really suffer from that are women who were actually raped and face a skeptical world. So in standard liberal fashion real victims lose twice fake victims gain.

    Second spoonful of Irony was that Whoopie Goldberg and basically the rest of the view and handful of other “Wimmin” are the only females who if they forced themselves on me i truly would feel violated and have PTS. Rather then the feeling of “high-five, freebie” from most other females on the planet.

  8. FrnakJ, what I can’t figure out is why you don’t have a leftist blog where you write this stuff as if you’re serious. You’d get lots of sycophants, lots of hits, money from George Soros and you could probably even make them co-bloggers and call them diarists, like Kos or some…….


  9. Perusing the liberal blogs on occassion, I found a certain series of posts, many in fact, declaring Mary Jo an acceptable cost for the greatness of Ted the Drunk. the pressures of being a Kennedy and great progressive leader were so great he had to have affairs to blow off steam. Uh huh. Frank got this one dead on accurate. Again.

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