Weekend Videos

Big Bird is a crazy, right-winger:

SNL finally goes after Obama (not the most clever, but still funny just to see them finally do it):


  1. This skit was unfair and disingenuous! RACIST We are aren’t closing Gitmo, we are aren’t leaving Iraq, we are working on health care RACISM reform! What do you expect one man to blink his eyes and make everything happen everyone shut up!? And what is this crap racist crap about doing whatever he wants because he has a majority in congress!!!??? I am shocked and appalled at what I saw from SNL NOT racist, I for one am not watching anymore!

    Another well informed SNL viewer

  2. Wow. So Obama is just way too conservative for SNL? Kinda says it all, doesn’t it?

    They say that there’s nothing funny about Obama. When the current SNL crop is doing the writing, it turns out they’re right.

  3. I’m really very surprised that Saturday Night Lame did this at all, much less this soon – I was under the impression that dissent, even in comedy, was horribly seditious now (it used to be patriotic, but not any more).

    If they were even slightly in touch with the reality of that guy, they would’ve done this about a week after January 20th.

  4. the writing is limp and the impersonation is awful, but my jaw hit the floor to see that they were painting barack as a do-nothing goofball. the best part of the skit was the audience’s nervous laughter. once you start making fun of a god it’s hard to continue worshipping him.

  5. The guy who impersonates Obama on SNL generally does a much better job. He was really off in this skit. I still DVR SNL…don’t ask me why, I usually FF all the way through, I guess it’s habit from the days of Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey. Anyhooo… I watched on Saturday, and laughed, mostly from the shock that they actually made fun of the One.

  6. They were being nice to him. Where was the tennis-match headswings from left to right prompter? Where was the inability to put one word in front of another when the prompter fails? I’m sure there’s more. Maybe next time?

  7. Pingback: Good Stuff/Fun Stuff | The Rude News

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