Center-Right Country

According to a Gallup survey, I live in the fourth most conservative state. Actually, every single state surveyed showed more conservatives than liberals (with Massachusetts were Republicans just had a huge victory being the most liberal). The only place liberals outnumber conservatives is Washington D.C., the place they elect crack mayors. Anyway, goes to show you that conservatives have a shot in every state if they play it right, but the Democrat can always count on at least three electoral votes in the presidential race no matter what he does.


  1. I will always remember the McGovern blow-out in 1972, especially how Washington DC voted pretty much completely opposite (78% to 22% Nixon) of the rest of the nation. Such are the votes of the folks who staff the bureaucracies.

    This was also the time of Viet Nam, when DoD was running 50% of the Federal budget – at about $450-billion per year. Nowadays – 40 years later! – DoD is STILL running just a tad over $450-billion per year. (The other $3-trillion in Obama’s 2011 budget represents growth in social programs since then.)

    Just something I like to keep in mind…

  2. With the proper explanation of what conservatives actually stand for – as opposed to the liberal mainstream media definitions – this nation would poll far right, not center-right. Even despite being lied to everyday by the left’s media talking head “reporters” that a conservative is someone that starves old people, won’t fund schools for kids, and is wrong on every issue, still the majority of Americans know enough to be conservative. Imagine if there was a real, item-by-item platform honestly explaining to all Americans where conservatives really stand on the issues and why – the results of polling would be overwhelmingly conservative.

  3. Living in Boise myself. No idea you were in Idaho. Boise is starting to get that granola effect from Californians moving in. I believe the labels are becoming useless. The average person I meet is all over the place politically, They vote by what makes them happiest at the moment.

    glad you are here and putting up the truth.


  4. I live in Tennessee, “God’s Country”. Its a great state with lots of guns…almost as good as Texas…if we had a Chuck Norris here, we would be even! BUT….we do have FRED & JERI THOMPSON (on occasion)!!!! Interesting fact: The scientologists are moving (trying) into Nashville. I am seeing billboards on the roads and inside the city (specifically by building with govt. employees) now…these country music stars here must be making enough money to be noticed by the whacko cali nutjobs. Chuck, we need your help!!!!!!!

  5. You Southerners don’t know how good you have it. Is it true the liberals never move down into the Deep South as they believe their own stereotypes about cross burners running rampant and shooting people in the streets?

    Stay vigilant, my friends.

  6. Unfortunately, many conservative states in the south are dominated by Democrats in public office. As we have seen, when push comes to shove, these supposed moderate or Blue Dog Democrats vote the party line vs. based on what their conservative constituents believe in.

    The problem is the state and local politics are made up almost completely of Democrats. Therefore, if you want to get into politics, you have to run as a Dem for local office, even if you are conservative. As you move up through county and state politics, you become more and more indebted to the Democratic machine, and before long you aren’t a conservative that ran as a Democrat, but you are simply a Democrat.

  7. Louisiana is #3??? This must be the only thing Mississippi beats us in, oh well, more hippy punching is needed. I have never seen a cross burned, but we have lots of shootings, mostly democrat on democrat. We do have the best gun laws in the country to prohibit democrat on republican violence though. Open carry, concealed carry and drive through daquiri and liquor stores. God bless the Bayou state!

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