Here Are the People Democrats Think Should Be Making Decisions for You

Shelia Jackson-Lee on the two Vietnams:

Yeah, I have no idea what she thinks she is talking about. Also, a while ago she wondered why the Mars Pathfinder didn’t take pictures of the flag we planted there.

Now here is a point Republicans need to make early and often: By the Democrats’ vision of government, they want to put people like Shelia Jackson-Lee in charge of the economy and health care. I mean, have you ever seen a better advertisement to give our elected officials as little power as possible?


  1. Wait. She’s talking about Korea… right?

    Sort of?

    I mean, she’s ALMOST talking about them… they DO have a North and a South…

    Unless she means Dakota?

    [It seems like that, except the death toll she cites is from the Vietnam War. Plus, I wouldn’t call the Koreas peacefully coexisting. -Ed.]

  2. No, she’s definitely talking about Vietnam and not Korea. Moe Lane looks into it and points out several things which all lead to the conclusion that she really meant Vietnam and she really is that freaking stupid.

    People that dumb should be removing themselves from the gene pool and not being elected to congress. Of course, how dumb does that make the people who actually voted for her…

  3. Wow, now that’s some serious, hard core stupid. That people this dumb keep getting elected and re-elected, ultimately it’s a reflection on how truly stupid the Democrats are, and the people who vote for them. Throw in other seriously deranged Dems like Pelosi, Schummer, Boxer, Kerry, etc., etc., and the conclusion is obvious: we are screwed as a nation. No wonder an imbecile like Obama is President.

    And the GOP must be seriously aflicted with the dumb virus to keep losing to stumlebums like the ones the Democrats keep coming up with.

  4. She doesn’t know how to pronounce Vietnam correctly either! Ignorant redneck!

    Also, Jimmy, I fear you are correct. Listening to Rush describe the results of polling saying a majority of Americans fear the economy will take years to recover, I thought about 1980. But where is there a Reagan?

  5. The Republicans have had ammo like this for decades. They are geldings at best. Reagan would have used this. Rove has admitted that not standing up to the liberal’s nutball theorys hurt the conservative movement. Hindsight is 20/20.

    I may be wrong, but isn’t Sheila also the one that more slaves drowning on the way from Africa than all the human beings that has ever existed?

  6. This is a link to a story about Obama’s new food czar, a twenty-something chef who is now a senior policy advisor in the White House (really, you can’t make this stuff up).

    With so many “Czars” in the Obama administration, I would like to ask for the collective support of all IMAO readers so that I can be named the official “Czar Czar”. I mean, with so many czars doesn’t the president need help figuring out more czar positions and organizing the numerous ones he already has? The only thing cooler than being a do nothing czar is to be the guy who coordinates all the do nothing czars. You can’t get less accountable to the American people than that, unless you are named Obama and my wife doesn’t want to be first lady.

  7. Well, ironically, before attacking Scott Brown’s daughters by calling them prostitutes, an idiot left wing supposed-comedian made a comment about how Sarah Palin is supposedly a nut-job and wouldn’t know that there are both a North and South Korea…and yet, as always, it’s actually democrats that never know WFT they’re talking about.

  8. Best punch line regarding this moron: she was edgumacated at Yale and then graduated from the University of Virginia’s Law School. You know Yale. It’s one of those Ivy league schools they said Harriet Miers should have attended.

    Hmmmm, any guesses how this AA poster child managed to pass her course work?

  9. Helter Skelter
    In its final form, which was reached by mid-February 1969, the scenario had Manson as not only the war’s ultimate beneficiary but its musical cause. He and the Family would create an album with songs U Tube videos whose messages concerning the war would be as subtle as those he had heard in songs of The Beatles. More than merely foretell the conflict, this would trigger it; for, in instructing America’s white youth, to join the Family Party, it would draw the young, white female hippies out of San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury. Black men, thus deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them, would be without an outlet for their frustrations and would lash out in violent crimes against whites. A resultant murderous rampage against blacks by frightened whites would then be exploited by militant blacks to provoke an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks’ treatment. Then the militant blacks would arise to sneakily finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks.

    And you thought it was just a bunch of crap, didn’t you?

  10. The NAACP says pointing out stupid black colored people is raaaacist, by the way.
    Does anyone really think that people who voted for her could find either north or south Vietnam on a map?
    (other than the Asian colored people, but that’s not fair….they’re from Asia which is in East Vietnam)

  11. Just another glaring illustration of the institutional racism of the democrat party and its supporters. If they thought black people were capable of very much at all, there is no way in hell they would tolerate such a prominent retard in their midst. Alas, she is considered run of the mill…by racist leftists.

  12. Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebt to Sheila Jackson for stating what needed to be said. I am particulary glad that these lovely children are here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic Liberal Democrat gibberish, it expressed the courage little seen in this day and age….Olson Johnson.

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