Pre-emptive strike?

Barack Obama has called for Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY/15) to “end his career with dignity.”

[Direct link]

“I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served, uh, his constituents very well, uh, but these, uh, allegations are very troubling, and, you know, he’s somebody who is at the end of his career, 80 years old; I’m sure that, uh, what he wants is to be able to, uh, end his career with dignity, and my hope is that, uh, happens.”

The president made the remarks CBS Early Show anchor Harry Smith, and the interview will be broadcast this weekend, but a clip of Obama’s response was broadcast on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric yesterday.

What does this mean?

I think Andrew Breitbart must have a video somewhere.

Is the left is trying to outsmart Breitbart by thowing each under the bus before a new video breaks? Even those that deserve it? If so, and if Breitbart succeeds in causing the left to self-destruct, even Frank J would forgive him.


  1. Mr. Obama see’s no problem with a fellow politician acting immorally (even criminally) as long as he maintains his “dignity” while doing it (and afterwards – in retirement – yeah, that’s REAL important). And BTW, he’s wrong: Rangel did not serve his constituents well. True civil servants don’t behave like Rangel does unless they’re serving uncivilized constituents.

  2. “I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served, uh, his constituents very well”

    Exactly the problem. Barry believes that 40 years of stealing public money, cheating on your taxes, lying to the people in your district, not applying the same laws to yourself that you do to the people that you work for, naming buildings after yourself, passing legislation against the wishes of your voters, and generally talking down to people that are much smarter and have earned much more respect than he has is “serving his constituents well”.

  3. So, black democrat Congressmen are apparently ALL CORRUPT! William Jefferson, Charlie Rangel, and now Maxine Waters. How long until we can add King Hussein to the list? I think this is a conspiracy masterminded by the king of all grifters – thats right, Shifty Joe Biden! He’s been playing the long-con from the beginning! He’s secretly brilliant – he just plays a buffoon on TV.

  4. I believe (and can prove) that Charlie Rangel and the entire RACE of Liberals are crooked, debauched, immoral, corrupt, treacherous, dishonest, hateful, despicable, detestable, execrable, loathsome, foul, guilty, infected and just plain rotten to the core! And those are there GOOD points!!

  5. Anyone who uses the phrase “served” to describe any member of congress or the White House should have his head stuffed up his butt! Military people serve this nation. These idiots go to Washington and are served by us! They all retire as gazillionaires!

  6. The President calls for Rangel to end his career with dignity. It’s those death panels again. “C’mon, Charlie. There’s only so many favors we can call in with the Times. It’s a misallocation of scarce resources to keep bailing you out. You’ve had a long, satisfying career; it’s time for you to pull the plug. We’ve got sick freshmen legislators who need our help more.”

  7. [Gabby Johnson sees the sheriff riding into town]
    Gabby Johnson: Hey! The sheriff’s a mong…
    [Clock bell chimes]
    Harriet Johnson: What did he say?
    Dr. Sam Johnson: He said the sheriff’s near.
    Gabby Johnson: No, gone blame it dang blammit! The sheriff is a mong…
    [Clock bell chimes again]

  8. I think that I can honestly say that dignity is not I word that springs to mind when thinking of Charlie Rangel, but thanks to our president, and, uh, his, uh, much, uh, touted, uh, oratorical, uh, skills, I think I’ll go with mongrel.

    How long before we have to start calling that the M-word?

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