The Government Accountability Office said the Department of Homeland Security no longer uses control of the actual border as a measure of how well the Border Patrol is doing its job.
That makes sense. After all they’re not called the Border Control, right?
That is the equivalent of a sports team saying they are not going to use its record to gage how well it has played that season. Come to think of it, considering that the two local pro teams near me (Buffalo Sabres (NHL) and Buffalo Bills (NFL)) have/had horrible records maybe they should start trying this strategy.
Apparently they are n longer using Government Accountability as a measure of how well they are doing their job, either. If they did, they would have had to shut down as soon as this “Transparent Administration” took over.
Ok, so what are they using? Coloring inside the lines?
They are all now graded on their sensitivity and refusal to allow more than twenty percent Whites among their ranks.
Not much different from all the idiots who refuse to judge the current president based on how good he is at being president.