When asked what the federal government could do to help Detroit after its bankruptcy, Joe Biden said “we don’t know at this point.”
Well, that didn’t stop them BEFORE the bankruptcy.
When asked what the federal government could do to help Detroit after its bankruptcy, Joe Biden said “we don’t know at this point.”
Well, that didn’t stop them BEFORE the bankruptcy.
Their answer will end up being what it always is: continue act really surprised by the whole affair, blame the republicans, demand that the republicans do something to fix it, and then take credit if they succeed.
Maybe, if they’re lucky, they can still find two or three actual republicans somewhere in DC.
I’m not very optimistic about it, though.
You forgot the rest of the saying, “Situation Normal All Fouled Up”otherwise known in Navy parlance as SNAFU. Yes I know I cleaned it up, I’m a grandmother for goodness sakes. I’m supposed to show some decorum, some class, some maturity…………….anybody for SMORE’S and water gun fights.
Detroit is unfixable. What the spineless Republicans in Congress SHOULD do, is block any bailouts to Detroit and every time they are in front of a camera tell America that Municipal finances are NOT a federal concern, that the local government and voters need to look after themselves. Yes, Detroit will slowly turn back into wilderness, but maybe LA, Chicago, San Francisco, NYC, etc., will get the message and start to clean up their act. Well, a guy can dream, can’t he?