id make a terrible cowboy im would try to hug all the cactuses
— secret egg!! (@raresecretegg) July 30, 2013
Amazon says it will create 7,000 new jobs. 5,000 of them are "shooing foxes out of abandoned Barnes & Nobles."
— Rob Kutner (@ApocalypseHow) July 30, 2013
I imagine Bloomberg stomping around his office, throwing things, screaming "FINE! We'll just let people eat what they WANT! Like SAVAGES!"
— Popehat (@Popehat) July 30, 2013
R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts" should play every time anyone takes a bite into a microwave burrito.
— Damien Fahey (@DamienFahey) July 30, 2013
if white house calculated jobs created by Keystone Pipeline with formula they use for "green jobs" creation, it'd be 2 million new jobs
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) July 30, 2013
There are people in this country that use explosives to shoot anvils in the air for sport. That is American exceptionalism.
— Stephen Gutowski (@collegepolitico) July 30, 2013
Kopel: NY Court enforces Portion Cap; Bloomberg may not consume power which exceeds the portion he has been allocated by the Constitution.
— Dave Kopel (@davekopel) July 30, 2013