A new study shows that welfare recipients in New York make more than teachers do in that state.
Huh. Guess that welfare recipient union is working out pretty good after all.
A new study shows that welfare recipients in New York make more than teachers do in that state.
Huh. Guess that welfare recipient union is working out pretty good after all.
I like Scott Walker. Have I said that? 🙂
And thanks for the link, btw.
Sorry but we aren’t sharing our Governor with any New England lost cause state…..
I knew at a glance that was an average over the whole state — nobody makes more than New York City teachers.
“There is no evidence that people on welfare are lazy,” writes CATO senior fellow Michael Tanner. “But they’re also not stupid. ………..”
I guess he’s never met one……..
If they aren’t stupid perhaps they can be used as teachers?