Wage Gap: Clarified for Sane People

[High Praise! to The Matt Walsh Blog]

This “wage gap” propaganda is so fallacious, so false, so absurdly contrived that I honestly mourn for the sorry mental state of those who subscribe to it. When you hear that women make “77 cents for every dollar men earn”, you are hearing a generally accurate statement. But there’s a few problems: That statistic doesn’t factor tenure, job title, hours worked, experience, skill level, industry, or difficulty. In other words, it’s an utterly meaningless statistic.

This oft-repeated figure takes into account ALL women and ALL men who work over 35 hours in ANY job. So a receptionist logging 38 hours a week is evenly compared to a coal miner working 70, for example. Men, generally, earn more than women because – and this is important – THEY CHOOSE DIFFERENT JOBS.

Men are more likely to work dangerous, physically demanding, high stress jobs. They’re more likely to work weekends and holidays. They’re more likely to be willing to relocate. They’re more likely to pursue jobs in higher paying fields. Note: I’m not saying that no woman has ever relocated or worked a dangerous job, I’m just relaying empirically provable, unquestionable statistical realities.


  1. it is still reflective of the opportunities open to men and women. wages = ability to support oneself w/o the assistance of another.

    it still seems there is a carry over from bygone days when my (white, depression baby) Dad fumed about equal opportunity measures wondering how it would affect his “boy?” and I had to wonder, what about your “girl?”

  2. Still doesn’t stop galquida from claiming discrimination.

    If they would stay home and cook a good meal for their man, they wouldn’t have to worry their pretty little heads about it now would they.

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