Daniel Day-Lewis is instructed to "just be himself." "Thank you for freeing me from this prison" he says as he slowly fades away
— Mike Bianchi (@Mike_Bianchi) August 8, 2013
[boob tattoo of the Chinese character for “take me seriously as a working professional”]
— Mat H. (@echo4H) August 8, 2013
I'm gonna start my own version of Twitter called JibberJabber. Character limit: 0
— Mr. T (@MrT) August 8, 2013
Like most Americans, I've never watched Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Girls or Game of Thrones.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) August 8, 2013
A lot of ventriloquists call their figures "Chip" because Chip is the kind of thing a deranged lunatic would name a child.
— Jason Miller (@longwall26) August 8, 2013
When I'm lying on my deathbed, my one big regret will be that I'm lying on my deathbed.
— Sixth Form Poet (@sixthformpoet) August 8, 2013
Dinosaurs were made up by the CIA to discourage time travel. Wake up, sheeple!
— Steve Oglesby (@SteveOglesby) August 8, 2013
Also, Elysium and District 9 are among those SUPER RARE movies in which heroic white dudes save non-white people.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) August 8, 2013
According to Al Sharpton there are no heroic white dudes. Much less one’s saveing non-white people.
I laughed loud and long at the Mr. T comment.
If that is actually Mr. T, he has an awesome sense of humor.
The blue check mark means it’s him.
I don’t have one 🙁