"I care about the poor! I voted for _____" <— Idiotic thing to say.
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) August 9, 2013
There must be a Godwin's Law equivalent for saying your opponents must be motivated by bigotry.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) August 9, 2013
*Heisenberg pulls into AutoZone* “Whats the problem, sir?” My car. It just keeps *lowers shades* braking bad. *Everybody laughs & does meth*
— Rob Fee (@robfee) August 9, 2013
Watching the first black president say what is and is not worthwhile civil disobedience is sort of strange.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) August 9, 2013
ObamaCare is like your new iPad electrocuting you while you're trying to do the dishes.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 9, 2013
Kids are like onions. They make me cry and then I suplex them.
— jon sender (@senderblock23) August 9, 2013
Evil Scientist: [turns on laser, burning through table I'm tied to] "Any last words?" Me: "Do you buy a new table every time you do this?"
— Matt Roller (@rolldiggity) August 9, 2013
Coexist, but don't overdo it.
— Dean Clancy (@DeanClancy) August 10, 2013