A least cats would ruin my life because they honestly cared about me and were just doing the best they could with their limited intellectual capacity:
[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #1,677,697)
A least cats would ruin my life because they honestly cared about me and were just doing the best they could with their limited intellectual capacity:
[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #1,677,697)
So, you’d rather be ruled by some Damn Cat with limited intellectual capacity?
Rather be ruled by cats! Ha! Bet you wouldn’t say that if you were a mouse.
@3 At least being a mouse in CatWorld, it’d be a clean death after a few minutes of torture, instead of the slow weight of having my soul crushed by Obama’s insane Marxist regulatory schemes.
See? I’m an optimist… I look at the mouse trap as being half-full…
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
…………..doing the best they could with their limited intellectual capacity
Wait, I thought you were talking about cats, not Obama and crew.
@Jimmy – “limited intellectual capacity” – that phrase appears on your family crest doesn’t it?
@Harvey – āIād Rather Be Ruled by Cats” – you have wisely chosen to accept the inevitable.
@6 – At least cats have brains the size of a walnut.
Don’t know how many Obama-ites can make the same brag.
Kittens = media
White House press office = laser pointer.
@7: I wish Frank were as easy as you!
That describes my liberal friends to a T.
I’d rather be ruled by cats because we could always declaw and spay or neuter them if they cross the line, right Jimmy?
After you feed them, play with them awhile they will go to sleep for 20 hours a day. Can we get the Democrats to that?
So far, there’s been no mention of the biggest advantage of cats: When you get tired of one, you can just take it to the Humane Society, and they’ll take it off your hands.
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