They Totally Faked That Faint at the Obamacare Speech

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #810,863)

They don’t even respect us enough to try to hide it anymore.


  1. I think it might have been real. Your assumption precludes the idea that the girlfriend wouldn’t be that dumb not to notice her friends distress. We’re talking about Obama supporters here! Yes , they could be that dumb. Looking at her face she doesn’t look like she’d be capable of being able to time any actual plan unless the timer was on a microwave oven heating up last nights taco’s! What’s actually more pathetic is having an obviously very pregnant woman stand behind you to try to make a subtle point. Remember she could be sacrificed for the greater good.

  2. You’d think with all those Hollywood lapdogs they would have been able to come up with something less obvious, but there’s the incompetence for you.

    Pundits have mentioned that, with Bush, his foes would accuse him of being a master conspirator and a complete idiot at the same time, and that we make the same logical error with Obama. Au contraire! says I. Obama’s crew does nothing subtly or masterfully, just brazenly; we knew he was lying about Obamacare, but it was such a huge, massive, ghastly, shocking lie that it was stunning, almost paralyzing. Of course, a real media would have exposed it four years ago, not now (and grudgingly).

  3. After seeing this I am convinced that this was a planned setup. The facial expressions and body language are all wrong. But who is going to notice? What would be great is to offer a big bag of money (or Chilies gift card) to “Plump friend” for the true story. Also who is the Blond giving the go signal at the left of the screen? True answerlies there.

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