Honoring the Gipper

Ronald Reagan kicked so much ass throughout the years that he deserves his memory to be honored. In the spirit of Reagan, our tributes to him should show optimism to the future or help continue the fight against tyrrany.
One idea I have is a Horrors of Communism Memorial. I’ve been to the Holocaust Memorial and it’s quite a chilling thing. While the Holocaust Memorial is a solemn reminder of the depravity people are capable of, a Communism Memorial would not only feature the violence of the past but also the violence of today’s Communist regimes. It would help remind people why the fight needs to continue today. I think Reagan would approve of that.
Other ideas to honor Reagan:
* Put Reagan on Mount Rushmore: He should go up there with the other greats. I’m not sure if there is room, though, so we may have to carve over one of those already up there. We can’t touch Teddy or Lincoln since they’re Republicans, so my vote goes for Thomas “let’s solve problems with embargos” Jefferson.
* The Reagan Raygun: Since he was a big proponent of a missile shield, let’s finally complete SDI and have a laser named after him that can shoot missiles out of the sky, shoot missile off of the ground, shoot the heads off of people, etc.
* A Giant Among Men: Reagan’s legacy will never be forgotten if we make a fifty-story robot of him that has glowing red eyes and breathes fire. It can stomp through jungles and the primitives there will begin to worship Reagan as the god of death.
* This Bean is For You: How about special editon Jelly Belly jellybeans in honor of Ronald Reagan with special jelly bean names like Commie-killer cinnamon, Gernada Grape, and a mystery flavor called “I do not recall.” And they can just have the good beans this time and none of those filler ones no one likes like coconut and toasted marshmellow (if you actually like those flavors, then get off my site!).
* The Way of the Ancients: Make his tomb a giant pyramid for all to see. Make sure it curses all liberals who enter it… or touch it… or look at it… or hear of it. Come to think of it, let’s just curse all liberals in Reagan’s memory.
* It’s All in Good Fun: Make February 6th, Reagan’s birthday, National Beat a Hippie for the Gipper Day. You can just see Reagan smiling down upon us as some freaky long hairs get their learning at the end of a fist.
* Mass Exodus: Reagan didn’t like Democrats, so a great way to honor him would be to get them all out of elected office. This can be done either with the ballot box or pitch forks and torches.
* Fight the Good Fight: The best way to honor Reagan’s memory would be to continue to fight for what’s right in America and all other countries. In every action in every day, whether those actions be big or small, we should strive for a freer world, never forgetting the hardships of those who got us here or the hardships that will be needed to continue to perserve our way of life.
Okay, that last one was kind of sappy, but I miss Reagan and want to make sure his legacy continues.
If you have your own ideas for ways to honor Reagan’s memory, whether serious or humorous, put them in the comments section.

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  1. Require that for this halloween all children must dress up like Reagan. Those that do not will get no candy. Anyone dressing like a hippy will receive a “litter critter” fresh from the box.

  2. –I love the fifty-story Reagan-Bot! That would be the coolest thing EVER!!
    –How about offering John F’ing Kerry up as a sacrifice at President Reagan’s funeral on Friday? It may bring good fortune to the nation… just a thought.

  3. I liked the idea that I heard yesterday: Put Reagan on the $20 bill. That or on Mt. Rushmore. Or that and on Mt. Rushmore.
    I was too young to vote for Reagan in either election, but boy I’m glad he was President. As a child of the 70s and 80s I was one of those who grew up under the fear of The Bomb. If it weren’t for Reagan, we’d all still be there.

  4. Every year, on the aniversary of the Tear Down That Wall speech, we could as a nation threaten a communist country. Of course, the history buff in me doesn’t really want to see the Chinese tear down their wall. It’s been there a while and wasn’t actually built by the communists.

  5. how about in honor of reagan we start a national shoot a kennedy day to make a statement to all the stupid hippies. Once we run out of kennedy’s we can go for clinton’s and Kerry’s and so forth. we need to make a special day called “I beat carter to a Pulp” day as well.

    • Put Reagan on Mount Rushmore
      Can I sign up, too?
    • A Giant Among Men: Reagan’s legacy will never be forgotten if we make a fifty-story robot of him that has glowing red eyes and breathes fire. It can stomp through jungles and the primitives there will begin to worship Reagan as the god of death.
      Interstate ’82 (videogame) has it as its end boss. Not kidding here. Big, giant robot commanded by Gipper, who is also portrayed as a demented warmonger throughout the game. I’ve proceeded to burn the box and use the CD as a coaster for a “peace through superior firepower” mug. It helps that the game itself is one neat piece of cack.
  6. I like the “Beat Up A Hippie for the Gipper” idea, but why should we let civillians have all the fun?
    I say we send a s**tload of Marines every year to North Korea and have them kill’n Communists as their way of saying “Thanks, Ronnie! Now we don’t have to fear being nuked to death by a bunch of crazed, drunken Commies!”
    Oh, and as part of this plan, Norht Korea stays Communist until every last Ka-Bar in the world has tasted Commie blood.

  7. Frank, Frank, Frank. Can’t get rid of TJ. He was the original States’ rights guy, hated the federal government, and expanded the country the right way… he bought it.
    Besides, doesn’t The President deserve his own mountain? I vote for Rainier… it’s a mountain that kills people who it’s in a bad mood, and his smiling visage would beam down on all the hippies in Seattle

  8. Here’s an idea – Combine a few of the above – Using a “laser” developed by SDI – Carve Ronaldus Magnus’s face on the moon! Of course, we would need to change Nuke the Moon a bit – substitute North Korea, or Mercury instead. : )

  9. Frank:
    Great post Dude! I’d like to morph three of your ideas into one new one honoring Reagan: Dude, we take the Reagan Ray Gun, build it in the likeness of his giant robot eye and put it on top of his pryamid tomb, just like on the back of the dollar. Then when evil one-armed, blind, islamofascists, creepy liberals, smelly hippies or dirty monkeys come too close to the holy site, a roaring loudspeaker in the Gipper’s own voice would shout, “Novus Ordo Seclorum!” and a laser beam would melt their bodies into velvetta. Now that’s what I call a tribute! You could get public funding from Congress and most likely have enough money left over to buy a nice ride and all you would have to pay me for the idea is a NTM T-shirt! Is anybody taking notes? The drugs are wearing off again!

  10. We get a sample of Reagan’s DNA, and make a Reagan Clone Army,. We train our Reagan clones by having them practice beating up hippies and making Howard Dean scream like a little girl. Once that is done, we send our clone army to Cuba and beat Fidel Castro until he screams like a little girl.

  11. Frank, it’s okay to get a little sappy over Reagan. We don’t mind a bit. BTW, like the idea of combining the raygun with the moon. Imagine looking up into the night sky and seeing the smiling face of Reagan looking down on you. Maybe we could have some kind of hologram technology so that liberals would see a frowning Reagan and evil commies and terrorists would see a pissed off Reagan…
    On second thought, if we have a raygun in orbit big enough to carve the moon we wouldn’t have to worry about those commies and terrorists anymore would we, and the liberals would be scared to go outside, especially at night.

  12. The greatest tribute I could make to Reagan would be in something that happened to me before he died. I was introducing my 13 year old son (born the day the first gulf war started) to movies of my youth. We were watching Wargames.
    At the beginning, they were doing the missile team test to see if they’d really push the button. He paused the movie and asked, “what are they doing?”
    “They’re going to launch nuclear missiles.”
    “Why? At who?”
    “The Soviet Union.”
    “What’s that?”
    “But Russia’s our friend.”
    At that point, I realized that while I always grew up with those images of the missiles, scenes in movies where they read ‘the codes,’ and knowing what an MX missile or Pershing II missile were, he did not and would not. He had know knowledge of the Soviet Union or the cold war.
    Now I simply hope that with the efforts of GWB, that he will have to pause movies with his son to explain what terrorism is.

  13. Sorry to steal parts of other people’s ideas, but how about this:
    We use the orbital lasers to carve Reagan’s face of the moon, all smiling and warm like the man. We then build two even larger lasers (preferably plasma inducted) of the surface, 1 in each of Ronnie’s eyes.
    Then, the whole world will see the smiling benevolence of Ronnie shining down on them, and know that goodness DOES exist in the world.
    Well, most everyone. Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore and Kim Jung Il and every other slavering toady of the leftist revolution will have to live their lives knowing that at any moment hot, super-accelerated emerald green death is just a moment away if they get all commie-ish. At the very least, they’ll find rude things burned into their lawns and on top of their houses on a regular basis. Ha ha.
    Its a little hotter than Fahrenheit 451 there, ain’t it, Mikey! BAHHHH-ZAPPPP!
    And, it will help rid us of dependency on foreign oil. Just the thought of it will keep us all warm at night. (sigh)

  14. I can think of no better tribute to Ronald Reagan then for Minnesota (the one state which he never won in either election) to proudly cast all of its electoral college votes for George W Bush….
    Watch Minnesota this year, we’re on it!

  15. I always liked John Hawkins’ idea from Right Wing News a while back about Ronald “Maximus” Reagan Class Battle Mechs. A 500 foot tall, fire-breathing robotic Reagan would work, too. Reminds me of that episode of Futurama where Nixon’s head gets a new body.

  16. P.J.O’Rourke suggested putting Reagan on Mt.Rushmore in an American Spectator article titled “Put Ron on the Rocks”. You could even get a button with a nice artists rendition of the sculpture on it for $3.50.
    In spite of P.J.’s name on the article, the left went nuts.
    Ask the guys at Am Spec, maybe they’ll publish the picture on their website.

  17. I think the beat up some hippies idea is a fitting tribute. I read some hippie article pissing on Reagan’s grave the other day that started with the stench ridden leftist recalling how he was beaten at Berkley whilst Reagan was governor and the cops actually said through the bullhorn that Gov. Reagan had ordered them to disburse.

  18. I’m all for Mt. Rushmore, $20 bill and the Commie Museum.
    I don’t know about removing Jefferson. He did give us one of my favorite phrases,
    “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute”.
    That’s worthy of Rumsfeld. Well, if you add a roar and maybe a hippie strangling. But you get the idea.

  19. I’m up for number (2) Howard. But he needs a dog, how about Kerry? Maybe Hillary?
    Not sure about the rest. Methinks you possibly didn’t like Ronnie Raygun?
    Oh, and (4) usually comes after (3).

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