Voting Update: Aside from a few who have more votes than us, we are utterly and totally destroying all the competition, with extreme prejudice! Thanks!
Remember a true IMAO-erican will vote daily from every computer they have access to.
I made some crappy looking mods to the ‘official’ 2005WA graphics, since we are nominated for two, count ’em TWO awards. Here they are in all their crappiness!
Ps: clicking the images will take you to the appropriate award voting post.
Wow, have I actually made it? Have I claimed my first… “FIRST”?
Go! The Sik1!
What sad is the amount of votes the Muggle podcast is getting. How much can one podcast about a freakin book?
I went and voted, but your post sounds a little more optimistic than your standings 🙁
Don’t feel too bad, at least you aren’t in a category where the current leader has at least 20 times your vote tally AND you have fewer votes than a seven year old. That would be quite a shock to the ego, I’m so glad I’m not that guy.
Oh wait, I am.
I listened to MuggleCast once. It was almost exclusively composed of screaming fangirls. The part that wasn’t screaming fangirls was filled with giggling fangirls. I’m not particularly fond of IMAO’s podcast (not that it’s not good, just not my thing) but it definitely blows MuggleCast out of the water.
Harry Potter appeals to everyone. IMAO appeals only to a very narrow group of people.
It should not be a surprise to anyone that a boring Harry Potter podcast is lapping the competition that consists solely of niche appeal podcasts. A boring podcast feeding the needs of a huge international fan base who purchased billions of dollars of books, DVDs, video games, toys, etc. will still beat ANY podcast that only targets an extremely small audience.
MuggleCast is a group of amateurs discussing a series of popular books and movies containing themes of youthful wonder. The other competiting podcasts are mostly amateurs that assail listeners with hours of news minutiae, repetitive jokes (“Michael Moore is fat and the French smell” from the right and “Bu$hHitler Chimp and The Haliburton Gang stole Iraq’s oil” from the left), and enough shop talk centered on other podcasts to bore pants off an ant.
The voting isn’t rigged… if you have the same 5 people voting for your podcast every day and the same 82 Harry Potter fans are voting for their podcast every day, you’ll never win.
What the heck is a Fafblog?
I didn’t even get nominated this year, probably because of all the homeless people Frank J. bribed with a pack of smokes and a ride to the library. But I’m not bitter. While you’re busting your ass sucking up for votes, I’ll be taking a nice dip in my hot jacuzzi and listening to some relaxing new age tunes on the radio. If your lights happen to suddenly dim and you smell the pungent aroma of burnt hair and patchouli, pay it no mind. I’ve finally found a place where the right-wing denizens of IMAO can’t kick me in the balls.
Liberal Larry — I especially liked the part where you called Frnak J’s blog a “cacophony of blinking ads spackled together with poop”. Watch out, or the “Alliance of Flea Blogs” might target you!
Larry, Our ads don’t blink, much.
we can’t kick you in what you don’t got.
Or if you don’t have access to multiple computers, to make it fair, you can just vote multiple times from the one computer.
Too bad they didn’t have an award for bloggers with huge huge egos.
Egosareus: I agree, because everyone would self nominate.