A Look Into Their “Reality-Based” World

The moonbats seem to hold a number of things as unquestioned faith to keep their world view. One of the odder beliefs is that anyone who doesn’t think Bush is the second coming of Hitler must worship him unquestionably. Maybe it’s projections, because, back during the Clinton presidency there were those who would never let even the slightest criticism against him stand. But, with Bush, conservatives (especially on blogs) have been critical of Bush since day one, and such criticism continues constantly. Other than those paid political consultants, I don’t know of any pundits who hasn’t disagreed with Bush on certain issues. Funny, the only people who ever seem to have met these “BushBots” who worship the ground Bush walks on our lefty moonbats. I guess the BushBots, like about everything else involved with their ideology, are just products of their own imaginations.


  1. //We’d build camps for them but employment is too high.//
    I think if we took out the mothership team, like Barbara Streisand, Tim Robbins, Susan Surandon, the others would clam up pretty quick. Now we just have to find their secret Film Actors Guild base as pictured on Team America:World Police…

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