American Idol 5 first results show

(crossposted from mm)
the opening banter between Simon and Ryan was funny.

btw, i usually don’t blog the results show, but i just got so sucked in when they did the Eagles song, and Taylor harmonized, and i started we’re-not-worthying. plus Chris was so great on that song, and so was Elliot. btw, when Elliot smiles and gets all excited, he looks a bit like Lair. and no, i’m not just saying that because they’re both Jooish. besides, i have no official confirmation that Elliot’s Jooish, because only an anonymous commenter told me so.

when they replayed Ace’s performance from last night, Frank held up his hands in front of his face and said, “aaaaahh! i can’t look at him, i’m afraid it’ll make me gay!”

Brenna’s paddling like a duck. quack quack.

ok, i’m thinking Brenna’s going. wow, i was wrong. Becky’s gone. i thought she would stick around just because she’s hot, and because Brenna SANG STEVIE WONDER. i think Simon’s right, she’ll have a good modeling career.

the girls seem to be over their gaucho fetish from the other night. aw man, i’m gonna get a lot of sickos searching here for fetish photos now. bad sickos! go away!

so… Bobby and Sway are on the bubble, center stage with Ryan. wonder who’s going home… not really. i have to give it to Bobby, he has personality, and he took it well. he’s funny, i reluctantly laugh at his jokes. “Bobby, it’s you.” “I know.” except now he’s blaming his Gram. poor Gram. well, anyway, he’s gone, yay. except that means that we have to listen to Copacakillme again.

btw, you know all the guys on Taylor’s row were thanking their lucky stars.

2nd girl going home. i’m thinking it’s Stevie or Heather. Brenna’s safe, Kinnik’s safe. and Stevie and Heather are in danger. both of them were terrible last night. i’m sad about Stevie, because hearing her before, she’s good. the lesson here for contestants is: NEVER GO WITH THE UNDERSTATED PERFORMANCE UNLESS IT’S GOT A BIG FINISH. and then if you get booted off, please don’t blame “tha sickness”. that just makes everyone roll their eyes, even if it’s true. anyway, i wish her well, i liked her.

i love the colors she’s wearing. brown is my favorite color to wear. unlike Becky and Bobby, she was better tonight. oh yeah, except that major crack, but whatever.

Ryan is so tiny.

and with the guys, everyone i voted for is staying. and the two i predicted to go are gone. Patrick is out too. he just was forgettable last night. Bucky still needs to shave that penciled-in ‘stache. if you fellers are going to wear ‘staches, at least go all in.

PAULA: “i just love you, Patrick. but not as much as i love vodka in my Coca-Cola cup.”

so everyone i voted for and/or would have voted for moves on. i was 75% on my predictions. Becky left in place of my Heather prediction.



  1. Why do you call Elliott (with 2 t’s, not Elliot) “Jooish”? Do you spell it that way out of ignorance, trying but failing to be cute, or because you’re Antisemitic? The correct spelling is “Jewish”, and your interpretation is neither intelligent nor cute. I don’t know whether or not Elliott Yamin is Jewish or not, but if he is, it just goes to prove how we work our behinds off in this nation to more than adequately represent ourselves in all aspects of society (the arts, sciences, politics, etc.), probably much to your dismay.

  2. Dude, I think she was makin’ fun of the crazy Muslims who are always talking about how everything is the “JOOOOOOO’S FAULT” and how in their insanity they scream and it comes out like that. Lighten up, dude.
    This is IMAO, not NBC Nightly News.

  3. yep, that’s me, anti-semitic. don’t tell Lair! especially since we’re planning an IMAO get-together at our house, and all the guys (including Lair, the Jew) are invited to sleep here. it’s really just a ruse to sell Lair out to the Islamofascists.
    actually, i like Jews. if y’all hadn’t killed Jesus, i wouldn’t be saved!
    lighten up. if you’ve never read IMAO before, you don’t understand the joke. you also don’t understand if you don’t have a sense of humor.
    thanks for the tip, in the future i will spell Elliott’s name correctly.

  4. I know for a fact that Elliott is Jewish. My friends mother is his cousin. My friends family is a religious Jewish family. Obviously Elliott isn’t Jewish but he certainly is from a Jewish family. So, go Elliott!!!!!!!

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