Frank Miller will be making a graphic novel of Batman fighting Al Qaeda. That might be enough to get me to actually buy one of these novels that are graphic for the first time.
Frank Miller will be making a graphic novel of Batman fighting Al Qaeda. That might be enough to get me to actually buy one of these novels that are graphic for the first time.
Comics are awesome, and way to go Frank Miller, for taking this subject matter and making it totally sweet (I hope).
What? A modern comic that doesn’t have somehow claim we’re just as bad as the terrorists?
Oh… wait… it’s not out yet.
Well, here’s hoping Miller doesn’t stick his head up his arse on this like with Goggles!Catwoman.
Frank Miller is awesome. His stuff is great.
Wonder Woman is the superhero that should get to kick Muslim butt.
What would Aquaman do?
Patriot Xeno, obviously you haven’t seen some of his new stuff. Check out the All Star Batman and Robin and prepare to laugh until your jaw falls off.