It’s the IMAO Podcast… Yee-haw!

The newest Podcast is finally up! Look at all the exciting stuff that’s in the podcast this week!

In Frank J.’s World of Knowledge, he gives you a close and personal interview with Mama Moonbat, Cindy Sheehan, whose accent and voice remarkably morph throughout the interview!
SarahK (that’s me) reviews Underworld Evolution and also sings!
Harvey has Fun Facts about Maryland!
Exclusive preview for tonight’s 24!
Everyone rants about wacky moonbats or Muslims or both!
The Crappy Bedtime Story returns!

and much much more! Hooray! So go download it now, and comment on it here!


  1. Nice podcast IMAOers. Good to see the 3 month hiatus didn’t dull the funny scenses. There was definately something funny about that podcast.
    One question: What was the “mister F” ditty between each segement supposed to mean? Or was I hearing it wrong.

  2. I’m about half way through listening to it (I have dial-up so it takes a while!) and I LOVE it! This is the first one I’ve ever listened to and it isn’t going to be the last!
    Being from Maryland, I especially liked the description of our flag. However, I must add that the artist also happened to be colorblind during his drunken ordeal!
    I second resurecting Arrested Development!

  3. AWESOME! I loved the Blade Runner bit. I loved how it snuck in gradually – I was thinking it on the word association, then really getting suspicious on the desert bit, and then practically cheered when you got to the tortoise. SWEET. Not since Circle of Dust did the song “Pale Imitation” has anyone done such a good homage to Blade Runner.
    Also looked up the Maryland flag on the Internet — sweet crap that’s a brilliant description. EVERYONE must look it up to get a full appreciation for the brilliant goodness that is the description of that flag. Perhaps the designer got smashed and was looking at an 18th century door hinge from his position sprawled on the floor while pushing on the other eye really hard, and when he didn’t barf immediately he knew he had a winner, or he did barf and picked the colors from there. Nah- I like your theory better, even if the century is wrong.

  4. PLEEEZE, Ms SarahK/J I am only an unworthly listener, please forgive my impertinance, your voice is above that of the nightengales in Heaven, may the most Holy Simon of the Isles bless you and keep your voice box always…uh..flexy!!
    Underworld II Rocks?? I am so meek….

  5. Okay, so I’ve listened to it a second time, and I still haven’t figured out what the “Mister F” things are all about – aside from a good transitioning tool.
    I like the bit about the religion of peace, Ducky!

  6. Why don’t you pinkos go and fight the wars? Because you’re pinkos. You fag war whimps need to get over the thought that poor kids can fight your battles for you.
    So, pick your sorry asses up and go fight the wars if you want. Just leave the rest of us to live our lives in peace.

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