A Thought…

If it weren’t for Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, there probably wouldn’t be anything to his presidency that would be memorable fifty years from now. Years from now, you ask someone if they know who Bill Clinton was, they’ll say, “Yeah, he was that horndog. Didn’t he die of syphilis?” Same as if you ask someone now who William Howard Taft was, they say, “He was that fat president.” If it weren’t for his weight, most people probably couldn’t name anything about the Taft presidency… same as it will be for Clinton and his sex scandals.
So, were Bill Clinton a better man, he’d be completely forgotten decades from now… same as if Taft was thinner.
I’m not sure what to take away from that.


  1. Actually, he might have been remembered for his signing the Welfare reform bill. Ironic because his admin mostly denounced it while they were signing it as something they’d come back and modify…and never did.

  2. Ohioans will remember Taft, as he comes from a distinguished political family.
    Not only that Taft did a good job as governor of the Phillipines, and later was a Justice on the Supreme Court.
    P.S. Typekey validation is broken. I’ve run into several blogs which fails the first attempt, then requires me to click on “logon” a second time, which does work. Feh. Someone tell the MT people to FIX this, already!

  3. He will probably be best remembered as a man who didn’t say what he didn’t mean and didn’t mean what he didn’t say and didn’t have sex with a fat 20-year-old Jew broad and that IS the truth (depending on what your definition of “sex” and “is” is).

  4. I prefer to think of Clinton as the anti-Nixon.
    Nixon’s foreign policy stabilized the world sphere and set the US up for its global superiority in the 80s.
    Clinton’s foreign policy sort of killed it, setting us up to be terrorist targets.

  5. Bill Clinton made being a VERY homely lesbian fashionable for a brief period in American history. I suspect his wife had a hand in these selections to his cabinet but they did add “diversity” not seen since… Of course there were no blacks or black women at any major cabinet level but…hey…these are democRATs and the last thing Clinton needed was a bunch of uppity negroes in his administration!

  6. What is the question?
    DemoCRAPs typically just want to be liked. Doing something, anything, means they upset someone. This means that especially the more recent ones will not be remembered. Can you imagine anything that would be memorable about a “Breck Girl” presidency?

  7. I still like Bill. So he was not the most ethical of people and he cheated on his wife. I WILL still remember him for the President that started the largest Economic growth in American History.

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