Bush Responds to Al Qaeda Video with “OO! I’m So Scared!” Video

WASHINGTON (AP) – In response to the video from Al-Qaeda’s #2 – Ayman al-Zawahri – calling on Muslims to unite in Jihad, President Bush today released a video of himself pretending to be frightened by the threat.
Bush begins the video by standing in front of the desk in the Oval Office, saying, “Oh no! I’ve angered the crazy Muslims and now they’re going to jihad me!” in a voice almost Shatneresque in its degree of melodramatic overacting.

“Help me! I’m terrified! BWAHAHAHAHA!”

“OO!” continues the President, making cartoonish nail-biting gestures, “I’m SO scared! Whatever shall I do?”
Bush then dashes around the room, flapping his arms like a little girl or John Edwards, while trying and ultimately rejecting various hiding places, such as under the desk and behind the curtains. In one scene, he retrieves a hand towel from the Executive Washroom, places it over his head and declares “Please don’t hurt me! I’ll be a good girl and wear my burka!” in a high-pitched voice.
“Look at me! I’m a Muslim now! I’ve got a hostage!” the President continues, chasing his dog Barney around the room with a letter opener while making exaggerated stabbing motions and shouting “Allah Snakbar!” “Hollah Hacksaw!”, “Cheese-a Crakar!”, and “Walla Walla Washington!”
Bush then flops into his office chair, giggling hysterically.
“Please don’t threaten me anymore! The terror is just too terrifying!” he says between snorts of laughter. The President then does a Macaulay Culkin “Home Alone” imitation, screaming “AAAAAAAAH!” while holding his hands to his face before falling to the floor, guffawing helplessly, as the camera fades to black.
The video ends with Bush saying over the black screen “Oh man, I think I wet myself… better have Mitt Romney come in and hose me off,” which trails off into more laughter as the clip finishes.

HamNation: Spending $1250 at a Salon

Mary Katharine (Suparstar!) Ham went to DC’s best salon to see if she could possibly spend $1250 in a single sitting. Click on the picture of Hammy to watch:

Just so you know where IMAO money is going, I just had a haircut at Fantastic Sam’s. It cost $13 and I gave a $5 tip. Also, even though the place is only a couple minutes walk from home, I drove an SUV there, so that was a bit extravagant.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

Every year for Lent, John Edwards forgos the pleasures of a woman’s touch, with the obvious exception of when he bathes himself.
Bonus fact from reader Chris:
John Edwards was once treated in the emergency room after receiving a large gash in his hand from a jet puffed marshmallow.

Daily Kos Front Page Survey

For the record, this is the newest post I’m looking at. So what’s on the front page now is:
* A post on how things are going poorly in Iraq.
* A post trashing the Republican presidential candidates.
* A post against surveillance of suspected terrorists.
* A post about the lasting ill effects of the Iraq war.
* A post on excessive drug sentencing.
* A post on cutting off funding for the war.
* A Bush bashing post.
* A post on the right-wing media.
* A post on a Republican breaking with Bush on Iraq.
* A post on Scooter Libby.
* Another post on how things are going poorly in Iraq.
So, after two days we have twenty post:
5 post on how things are going poorly in Iraq
3 posts on Scooter Libby
2 posts on subpeonas
2 Bush bashing post
1 post on Democratic candidates
1 post on an inspirational American
1 post trashing the Republican candidates
1 post against surveillance
1 post on the war on drugs
1 post on cutting funding for the war
1 post on the right-wing media
1 post on Republicans breaking with Bush
I’m not quite sure yet what I’m collecting this data for, but let’s do it for a little while and see what patterns emerge.

What Gave You the Idea the Military Wants Your Opinion?

Dean Barnett responds to a liberal commenter with facts about how the surge is working, but my question is how much of a concern is that to the average American? Are we all supposed to go through the facts and figures of how the war is going and advise the government accordingly? Isn’t that why our tax money pays for generals?
I agree with Dean: Our concern is were in this to win, because it will be a disaster otherwise and only invite more attacks. You got to give your opinion before the war started, and now that we have the war, our only concern should be victory. I really wish people would stop carping about the military and just let them do their job.

You Know It’s Not Tax Deductible, Right?

“Being President should be fun! Yay!”

So, in this last round of fundraising, Obama got $32 million, Hillary $27 million, and John Edwards $9 million.
Who are these people giving them money?
Obama has been a Senator for about two weeks now. Where did everyone get in their head he should be a president? You can argue that there’s no evidence yet he’d be a bad president, but you can say the same of any four-year-old. All that’s going through the head of his donors is basically “He speaks purty; let’s give him millions of dollars!” How did people like that even get money to donate? The IRS should investigate.
Then there’s Edwards. No where near as successful in fundraising, but how did he even dupe $9 million out of people. How can anyone donate a thousand dollars to him when they know that won’t even pay for one haircut? Plus, with his own extravagant opulence, he’s basically walking around covered in gold and jewels while asking people to give him money. If he wants money, why doesn’t he just rent out a wing on his house.
The only one that makes sense to me is Hillary Clinton. People are scared of her. You don’t want her to be president and then she looks on her records and finds you never gave money to support her candidacy. She’ll suck the marrow from your bones for that.

Fred Thompson Forum: A Ron Paul Weenies Front?

I’ve had a commenter advertise the Fred Thompson Forum, but the actual site is pretty silly. There seems to be a bunch of posters pretending to be ignorant “neocons” who support Fred Thompson (with over the top names like I LOVE HANNITY and Neocon4Fred), while links and facts to Ron Paul are casually put into the discussion and his supporters are made to seem sane in comparison. The biggest tell is that’s theres a poll up about whether Fred Thompson can beat Ron Paul, and Fred Thompson is losing — on a supposed Fred Thompson fan site.
Plus, the reader who alerted me to this said he actually had all his sane posts about Fred Thompson removed. So the whole point of the site is to make Fred Thompson supporters look stupid while pushing them to Ron Paul… except I doubt anyone who isn’t already a Ron Paul supporter is dumb enough to fall for it.
Then again, this is actually one of the more clever things those weenies have done — certainly more clever than the poll spamming. It’s like a dog figuring out how to work a doorknob. Any toddler can do it, but, for a dog… wow.
Still, Do Ron Paul supporters really have no idea how ridiculous they look to everyone else? They’re like a bunch of Glenn Greenwalds.
(hat tip reader Jason)
I love this sequence of posters in this post. One mentions how some don’t want Ron Paul in the debates, so Nancy says:

I’m confused. Why would we want to exclude Ron Paul and black him out? That’s not exactly democracy, is it? Shouldn’t each candidate be able to get their message out so everyone can judge them on their merits and let the chips fall where they may?
If Fred has a strong message and stance, he should be able to win outright, without resorting to muzzling the competition.

Followed by the reply from USMC:

That’s a good post Nancy. It’s funny but I never really looked into Ron Paul, but maybe it’s time I do.

Maybe we should all look into Ron Paul!
This thing is hilarious, but I can’t help but wonder what kind of people have this much time on their hands.

It’s the Economy, ‘Tard

So the economy is really awesome; who knew?
The thing with the economy is that it either gets a lot of press or most people are basically only aware of their own situation. I mean, I’m unemployed and I think blogging should pay more, so the economy doesn’t seem so great, but you’d think the Democrats would be crowing about how great the economy is since more of them are employed in Congress than since the early ’90s. And really, some of them are so useless that the economy has to basically hemorrhaging money before they can get a job.
But who cares about the economy? Scooter Libby is on the loose, and that’s what we’re all concerned about.
(hat tip Conservative Grapevine)

They Should Have to Pay a “Being a Hippy” Tax

Some hippies don’t want to pay taxes because money will go to the military. I’m in the opposite situation where I don’t want to pay taxes for anything other than the military. It sounds like there can be some sort of compromise can worked out between us such as me setting the hippies on fire.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson doesn’t take “No” for an answer… unless the question was “What don’t I take for an answer?” Then you better correctly respond with “No” before Fred Thompson rips out your spine and beats you with it.