What Gave You the Idea the Military Wants Your Opinion?

Dean Barnett responds to a liberal commenter with facts about how the surge is working, but my question is how much of a concern is that to the average American? Are we all supposed to go through the facts and figures of how the war is going and advise the government accordingly? Isn’t that why our tax money pays for generals?
I agree with Dean: Our concern is were in this to win, because it will be a disaster otherwise and only invite more attacks. You got to give your opinion before the war started, and now that we have the war, our only concern should be victory. I really wish people would stop carping about the military and just let them do their job.


  1. It has always been thus. The military wouldn’t know how to react if there wasn’t some group of lily livered, yellow striped, curs out there preaching peace and love.
    Now I’m the first one to say peace and love would be wonderful, but as long as you have people like Abinutjob and Bin Laden, peace and love are not on the menu.
    So to our brothers and sisters in harms way, defending us and the rest of the world (whether they deserve to be defended or not)
    (Sorry for shouting, I’d make it 100 feet tall if I could). We appreciate you and your families and the sacrifices you make so that we can be free.

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