Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Motopolitico.
What’s the story behind your name? Motopolitico is an amalgam of what I thought my blog would be about when I established by Blogger account way back when. Moto= Motorcycles. I like motorcycles. Let me be more specific. I like good, practical motorcycles, not those chrome plated toys ridden by lawyers and doctors on weekends. Politico= politics. I studied Political Science and History at the University of Vermont, which was pretty much like someone who smokes opium progressing to heroin, at least for me. Lots of monkey-faced liberals on that campus. Ward Churchill received a hero’s welcome when he spoke on campus.
Where do you live? For the instant, I am living in Louisville, Kentucky attending The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am in the process of relocating back to the Peoples’ Republic of Burlington, VT, the city that gave a voice to Bernie Sanders. I’m gonna miss this red state.
How old are you? I will be 28 next month.
Tell us briefly about yourself. My mother immigrated LEGALLY from Canada, and has now been naturalized. That makes me a dual citizen. I went through the phase of pretending to be Canadian when I lived in the UK for a year, but living there really made me appreciate life here in the United States. I repented of my sins and believed in Jesus Christ at the age of 22, a few weeks after 9/11. At the University of Vermont, I brought a 100 dB air horn to a “2 minutes of silence for peace” protest, and worse. This was before I had heard of Protest Warriors. Another interesting fact about me is that during the mandatory Race and Culture class at the University of Vermont, I quit attending, went into the exams assuming white male heterosexuals are the scum of the earth, and got a B+. I think every conservative should attend a liberal college. It helps to make you strong, and also weeds out the RINOs. Oh, and I’d like to take the chance to personally apologize for the fact that I voted for Jim Jeffords in 2000. Truly, at the time I thought he was much better than the alternative.
Do you think punching can be a constitutionally protected form of expression? Yes, but it should be well-regulated, so that it is limited so that only monkey-faced liberals are the target. Monkey-faced liberals should be permitted to punch each other. We should do all we can to promote monkey-face on monkey-face violence. Thank you Cindy Sheehan, DU, and the Kos kids for helping to make my dream a reality.
How long have you been reading IMAO? I’d say since at least 2003. Back before it was uncool to post a comment FIRST!
What’s your favorite IMAO post? The one during the Terry Schiavo incident when it was suggested that we should allow folks in Africa to starve and dehydrate to death. It was a good mix of dark humor, an amazing point, and a serious issue.
What’s you favorite political issue? That one is a trick question. What I get most fired up about are my least favorite political issues. Lately, I’ve been thinking we need to get rid of open primaries and go back to the smoke filled room. That would make conventions far more interesting! I am socially conservative, so I strongly support pro-life and anti- gay marriage initiatives. I also think the resurrection of the “fairness” doctrine is going to be the next major political battleground.
Do you have a website? Having a blogger account these days is an awful lot like having an aol account used to be. It makes me the target of derision. But it is free, and allows me to blog as a hobby. My blog is located at http://motopolitico2.blogspot.com and uses a bog-standard blogger template. It is almost never “moto” since I sold my motorcycle before coming to seminary, nor is it especially “politico” anymore. It is really a seminary blog, where I post some of my better papers for classes and comment on the theological issues of today. A lot like a theological version of the Puppy Blender, only I don’t say “heh”. I hosted (and censored) the Carnival of Comedy once. My blog is usually not intentionally funny, although stay tuned for a piece of satire I am still carefully crafting.
The latest outrage on which I’ve done anything approaching groundbreaking is a prominent Southern Baptist pastor who, the week of the Southern Baptist Convention in San Antonio promoted his website where he sells complete sermon manuscripts in .pdf format for pastors to preach word-for-word for five dollars. He doesn’t believe that to be encouraging plagiarism. You can read the incredible details here. I’ve bought the domain name seminarian.us, and if I can get my act together, I might actually get it off the ground as a legitimate seminary blog, complete with podcast interviews of any theologian I can get my hands on, about current theological issues. This blog would also have google ads to fill my empty pockets. I don’t know if I can approach the awesomeness of the whatever Number One prize pack, when it comes to scamming fund raising potential.
If you could control the creatures of the sea with your mind, what would you do? I would command the dolphins to go back in time and rescue that young woman from the waters of Chappaquiddick so she could be prosecution witness #1, and Ted Kennedy would be living off the taxpayers in an entirely different way. He would share his cell with Bubba.
If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!