New Attack on Fred Thompson: Nixon Didn’t Think He Was Smart

From a recommended diary on Kos: Over thirty years ago, Nixon made a remark suggesting he didn’t think Fred Thompson was bright.
I hope Fred Thompson’s campaign is ready to spin this one, because that’s just the sort of thing that can sink a candidacy if the public finds out about it.
Honestly, is Fred Thompson that squeaky clean that the Kwazy Kos Kids have to reach this much to come up with an attack? Maybe they can find a grade school teacher of his that will testify that Fred Thompson was at times “unruly.” Sometimes the Kos Krowd is so stupid I almost want to make an account over there and lend them a hand. They try hard within their limited mental range, at least.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

It’s not true that John Edwards wouldn’t hurt a fly, it’s just that he couldn’t.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Even annoying yip-yap dogs are reverently silent in the presence of Fred Thompson.

Quick Movie Review: Transformers

Man, I paid $9.50 for a matinee, but, then again, it delivered more than $9.50. SarahK was secretly dreading to go this film but ended up loving it. I didn’t quite like the robot designs as they were just too hard to tell apart in the action sequences, but it still was a lot of dumb fun, brought back old memories of the cartoon, and has me looking forward to a sequel. Definitely the summer movie so far.