Site Speed Stuff

I have been doing some optimization and tweaking under the hood and hopefully IMAO.US is now full throttle at your face every day every night,every evening, afternoon, morning, etcetera.
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I Still Like Tony Snow

An exchange from a recent press conference which Greg Pollowitz found:

REPORTER: The Nixon tapes case, though, presents certain limitations on the President’s assertion of executive privilege, doesn’t it?
TONY SNOW: How on earth are you trying to apply the Nixon’s tapes case here? That seems an awful stretch.
REPORTER I read it in the paper. It sounded logical when I read it.
TONY SNOW: Well, it’s — nice try.
REPORTER: Thank you.

The very first In My World was me imagining what it would be like if the White House Press Secretary finally opened up on the press. I still wish it would happen.
(hat tip Hot Air)

IMAO Facebook Page

I’m still not sure exactly what you’re supposed to do on Facebook and other such sites, but I made an IMAO Facebook group for IMAO readers to join so then we will be recognize each other on the street and be able to say, “Hey. You’re that guy who said, ‘LOL!’ on that one post. I know you.”
Does anything useful ever come out of these sites?

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards does not fear the mafia, because he knows that if they ever put a hit out on him, he can just cry his way out of it.

Saturday Question

Do you think secession could be a solution to some of America’s problems? If so, which states should we force to secede because we’re sick and tired of them?
I’d say we secede parts of California, but we could probably keep most of it land-wise.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Dogs do their best to act calm when around Fred Thompson since they know he can smell fear.