Let’s meet another IMAO reader. Today, it’s Master Shake.
What’s the story behind your name?
I watch too many cartoons for my age. However, I could not imagine a better role model for today’s youth than a giant, vaguely anthropomorphic milkshake. Plus, he’s fairly easy to draw. And I can claim that I have my own action figure.
Where do you live?
Evansville, Indiana
How old are you?
Tell us briefly about yourself.
I turned a math/computer science degree into an exciting job (forgive the sarcasm now dripping from your monitor) as a computer programmer/systems analyst. I now wish that I had chosen graphic design, but my time machine is on the fritz again — stupid monkeys! Once I find my own t-shirt girl, I plan to take over the blogododecahedron with my mad technical, drawing, and Photoshopping skills. As you can tell from my blog, Frank has much to fear. BWAH HA HA HA HA! In my spare time, I have been known to impersonate trolls in order to further enrage them and increase their entertainment value.
What’s your least favorite monkey?
Scary Evil Monkey. Unless you want a real monkey, in which case I would say the Mandrill — it sounds more like Aquaman’s favorite monkey, and Aquaman is the enemy of all that is good and pure.
How long have you been reading IMAO?
A little over three years. Someone linked here, and I’ve been addicted ever since.
What’s your favorite IMAO post?
In My World. I read the entire In My World archives the first day I saw them. I miss Rumsfeld and Chomps, though….
What’s your favorite political issue?
National security/terrorism. A related issue would be government waste, such as how these Democrat traitors and terrorist-sympathizers are still walking around free when Bush built all those detention camps!
Do you have a website? If so, tell us briefly about it.
My blog is “Sanity Blender” (http://sanityblender.blogspot.com/), and nothing says “quality” better than two posts in a year.
If you had the power to just point at something and make it magically be painted pink, do you think you could make practical use of that power?
Definitely! That would be extremely useful for marking liberals, a.k.a. “pinkos.” Right now, they are able to walk among us, undetectable and plotting how to destroy America — for all you know, the person next to you right now could be Sarcasm Man!
If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!