Two Hours of Pure Terror


Cheney will be acting President for at least two hours tomorrow.
Consider this fair warning to the liberal blogosphere.

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  1. Lets hope Cheney doesn’t pick that 2 hours to have his heart finally fail on him. President Pelosi would only need 20 minutes or so to send this country to Hell in the Pier One hand-basket she picked out right after her Speaker swearing in ceremony.

  2. I heard about this on the radio earlier today. I couldn’t help but laugh at what the trolls over at democrapicunderground or whatever the other ones are posting about this. They have to be quaking in their parents basements.

  3. President Cheney’s first act will be to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine for liberals – any time one of them opens their lying, traitorous mouth, they must spend equal time submerged in a tank containing piranha as well as the dreaded candiru fish.

  4. 2 hours gives him plenty of time to nuke Mexico, the Clintons, Pelosi, Kennedy, Fineswine, Carter, and appoint Fred Thompson the New Prez, and oh yes, execute every member of NAMBLA!
    What a wonderful daydream!

  5. Excellent! Time to declare war on Iran, Syria and Mexico! Jail all democrats and Keith Olberman for treason eliminate the tax code forever, free the border patrol agents and nuke California!

  6. “George W. Bush is such a pussy… a general anaesthesy for a simple colonscopy…”
    I don’t know… I’d want to be knocked out too, or at least have a stiff drink before someone takes that journey on me.

  7. I love the comments on the CNN page. They really drive home your point about them just playing role playing games.
    If I believed half of what those commenters believe, I would be stocking up on ammo and moving to my compound in Montana or Utah.
    I do wish he would give Libby a full pardon. The reactions would be funny, and if I know anything about Cheney, he likes to get the NYTimesWashPostCNNABCCBSNBCetc. in a tizzy.

  8. So what would you do if you were President for two hours? Seriously, I think I’d put the Secret Service to raiding CNN and the New York Times in search of “counterfeit pesos” or something. Then I’d lock myself in the Oval Office with a bottle of Highland Park and Condoleezza. I would also send Pelosi on another trip to Syria, but this time I’d make her ride on the underbelly of the NSSN Virginia. Oh, and I can’t forget the morale- boosting 15 minute and thirty second invasion of Venezuela and ousting of Hugo Chavez.

  9. Yup. A stiff drink, a general anasthesy, and that mind erasing thingy from Men In Black.
    Cheneys’ executive order – A stict interpretation of Rosie O’Doughnuts 2nd Ammendment theory. According to that, I could legally own an M-203.
    Say hello to my little friend…..

  10. When Harry Reid was told about the procedure he commented “I asked my Dr. to perform the same thing…he said he didn’t need to since I’ve had my head up there my whole life I could just report back on my findings”

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