Tip for whoever is in charge of Obama: Never assume a word is so simple that you don’t need to spell it phonetically on his teleprompter.
Tip for whoever is in charge of Obama: Never assume a word is so simple that you don’t need to spell it phonetically on his teleprompter.
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Orion: The Hunter. Metallica Song. Very Manly Constellation. Little wonder that our effete little boyprez has little knowledge of it.
President See ‘n Say
Point him at a teleprompter and pull his string.
See-and-Say: “The Liberal puppet says: ‘Taaaax aaaand Spennnnnd!’ ”
Can you say “tax and spend”, boys and girls? Good! Now drink your kool-aid!
Isn’t Orion also the name of NASA’s next-generation space vehicle? How do you think it played with the folks at NASA when they realized he wasn’t even familiar enough with the project to know how to pronounce it? Is there any more clear way to say “not a budget priority”?
How come “President See ‘n Say” hasn’t been used more often?
So can we start printing books called Obamaisms or is that racist?
The Key is on Orion’s belt….
Even men in black can teach him how to say it lol.
Wadda Maroon!!
Buggs Bunny, circa 1947
Come to think of it, He (The One) has pretty much the same ears as Buggs. The difference is…Buggs was the quintessential, wise-cracking American wiseguy Patriot…and The One is just a typical wiseguy.
I thought he was supposed to be some hip uber-geek, who was onto all the cool comic and sci-fi stuff. If that was true, then he should have had no problem pronouncing Orion, since it pops up all over the place in various forms of geekdom.
Could this possibly mean Obama is a fake?
I wonder if this will get the same kinda coverage as Bush having phonetically spelled words on his speech notes? Might it ameliorate the abuse and wrongful assumption that Bush was dumb?
No! We’re and Obamanation now. And we have ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia.
hey Barack watchout for the Klingons around Uranus!
#11 — Blasphemy! blasphemy! Snickering at present husseins literate shortcommings. you must be a racist! taht one has proclaimed it is pronounced “oar ree ooon” So start calling oreo or be shipped off to re-education cluss.
# 13 it’s the re-edgeumafcation skool #11 will be sent to for his blasphemy againt the lord almighty Obama.
We ought to round up everyone who voted for that ignoramous and either shoot them or ship their sorry cans to Iran.
What an idiot.
Why don’t they just roll the teleprompter script on the television screen, minus the mindless, monotone blathering idiot communist public speaking amateur interpretation (aka “the most amazing speaker of our generation”). It would surely be far more entertaining. Besides, if there are questions taken, I doubt the journalists from the Huffington Post, MSNBC and CNN that he calls on will ask him anything of any relevance, and the teleprompter can handle them.
I hope we see Obamaism-A-Day calendar after suffering through co-workers with Bushism-a-day calendars for 8 years. I’d love to buy a supply and keep them to swap onto the desks of said twits. Speaking of, when do you think they’ll stop selling those stupid books and so on?
As for Orion, our “Putting science in it’s proper place” president apparently slept or bong-hit his way through science classes throughout high school.
The most amazing part of that video was finding out that CEO Neal Verfuerth, a very white guy from WI, managed to get an SBA loan!
So yeah. i know its or-eye-on, but heres a funny story.
Here in Okinawa (US Forces Japan) we have this awesome beer called ‘orion.’ since its japanese, however, its pronounced ‘ore-ee-on.’ the president is still an idiot, but if i come back and say it wrong..its because the beer is freakin delicious, not unlike Frank’s words.
I just saw a headline that said “Obama goes on offense”. OK, the degree to which he is offensive is not in question here. The answer is plenty. Hella-fensive.
#5 – Jim in PA,
The Orion project is designing a large capsule to replace the space shuttle. Whoopy.
‘Project Orion’, on the other hand, would have been much cooler.
I don’t just mean that the phrase ‘Project Orion’ is cooler than the phrase ‘The Orion Project’.
Project Orion was a bold attempt in the early 1960’s to create rockets powered by nuclear explosions capable of interstellar flight. (see Wikipedia)
With millions of tons of thrust possible, we could have launched spacecraft built like nuclear submarines, as large as aircraft carriers, and armed like battleships.
A project worthy of a nation capable of Nuking the Moon and breeding dinosaurs for use as Weapons of Mass Assassination.
But President Kennedy woosed out and proposed the Apollo project instead.
Another historic window of opportunity wasted. Sigh.