News and Stuff

* Evan Bayh is retiring, partly because he “hates the left bloggers.” Just scan the titles of the “Recommended Diaries” on the Daily Kos and you pretty much want to do anything you can to spite those weirdos. Well, they can mark this as one of their political successes along with having Lieberman flee the Democrat Party.

* One of the leading global warming scientists believes there hasn’t been any statistically significant warming since 1995. Also, apparently the earth was warmer than it is now about a thousand years ago. But the Science! is still settled, so it doesn’t matter what data comes out because when Science! is settled it does not unsettle or Science! shall become displeased with us for our disbelief and take away our iPhones.

* Speaking of Science!, scientists have recreated Big Bang conditions in a lab by colliding gold particles together. What the hell? Do they have any idea how much gold is worth in this economy? And we already have a universe, so I’m not sure what we need another Big Bang for. And what if Ron Paul finds out? You can’t back the dollar on Big Bangs.

* IMAO is the number one hundredth most popular conservative site right now, which probably means we’re going to fall off the top one hundred list completely soon. For this accomplishment, I think it’s mainly due to the writers of this blog who write stuff that people come read. Good job… I forget your names. For our precarious position on the list, I blame you, the readers, who aren’t very bright and there could be more of. Pick things up, guys.

* In Jakarta, they tore down the statue of child Barack Obama they had put up. Just imagine a bunch of children pulling the statue down with ropes and then hitting child Obama in the face with shoes. What fun. Ah, I miss childhood.


  1. * IMAO is the number one hundredth most popular conservative site right now, which probably means we’re going to fall off the top one hundred list completely soon. For this accomplishment, I think it’s mainly due to the writers of this blog who write stuff that people come read. Good job… I forget your names. For our precarious position on the list, I blame you, the readers, who aren’t very bright and there could be more of. Pick things up, guys.

    I blame this on Man-made Global Warming.
    IMAO is just too cool to fit the profile, so the data had to thrown out because it doesn’t fit the statistical model.

    On the other hand, this could work to your advantage.
    We just need to trick the data to hide the decline…

  2. …we’re going to fall off the top one hundred list completely soon. For this accomplishment, I think it’s mainly due to the writers of this blog …

    The extremely slow response time for Internet Explorer doesn’t help. Yeah, yeah – you can tell everyone to use Firefox – that IE sucks. Unfortunately, the people using IE won’t hear you say that because they moved on long before the page could finish loading.

  3. I guess the Science!tists wanted less bang for the buck.

    Let’s don’t tell the Democrats they have formed a circular firing squad. M’kay?

    We need to get IMAO’s numbers up. I say let’s get Frank on Oburman’s Worst Persons list. Oh, no one ever watches that. Never mind.

  4. Hmmm . . . most popular site thing is kind of scewed. They lump together different blogs. So, like, for instance I notice Instapundit is lumped with PJM. So, maybe you could, like, lump together with Instapundit and become the Blog Borg. How cool would that be?

    Maybe assimilate Ace in the process. Or maybe not. I dunno.

  5. * IMAO is the number one hundredth most popular conservative site right now, which probably means we’re going to fall off the top one hundred list completely soon.

    I thought it was Bush’s fault……

  6. “I blame you, the readers, who aren’t very bright and there could be more of. Pick things up, guys.”

    Now, Frank. So, you want more not-very-bright readers?

    Besides, I already picked-up this morning’s dishes and made my bed.

    Ah… Um… Most of the time, I’m not commenting. Sometimes, I laugh silently (go ahead and try it – it’s hard and only dumb @#$&’s like me can do it, so there!). At other times, I spew but don’t comment. Then there’s times like these where, um… ah… the sun is out! I’m outta here.

  7. I just wanted to second the thing about IE. Firefox displays IMAO fine on all my computers, and IE6 works fine on my old laptop. But IE8 has big problems loading it for me on two different computers. I’m sure it’s somehow Bush’s fault though.

  8. In order to reach a larger audience you may want to try:

    1 getting some kind of Palin endorsement
    2 triangulate to the left and pick up the conservative in name only folks
    3 offer the new kind of subscription where you pay the reader!
    4 flatter your readers about how smart they are
    5 get your alternate bloggers to post once in a while (try some sort of bribe)

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