High school graduation is up. This is apparently related to the bad economy as people are staying in school as there are no job opportunities out there. That makes me think: Maybe we should look more on the bright side of the horrible Obama economy.
* Illegal immigration is down.
* Less emissions with so many fewer people needed to drive to work each day.
* Gives us time to appreciate the bare necessities of life.
* Wallets lasting longer with so much less wear and tear on them.
* Pedophiles these days are less able to afford a windowless van.
What are your favorite advantages of a bad economy?
Better opportunities for soap opera actors, as their daytime audience has been steadily increasing.
Relatives like me again since I am the one with the job.
*Harry Reid uses less gas AND there are less fatty fat kids because candy consumption is down also.
Time to catch up with the last fourty years of reruns.
Far more time to spend on politics and anger.
Much more time to spend on the internet reading IMAO!!!!
Chicks dig a rich guy, and now rich means you can order TWO items off the 99¢ menu…
Wiskey sales have increased as have “magazines” and doughnuts.
It is safer crossing the street.
People are tanner
The Norwegians in Morehead finally have someone to make fun of!
Watching liberals stick their heads into previously unheard-of lengths up their own rear ends to avoid seeing the light about HisMajestyKingObamaTheBeautifulOneWhoShines.
The window shopping market is booming
Lap dances are more economical – you can get two strippers to fight over just one dollar.
I have more time to work.
Wait… I don’t have time for this comment…
You can always get a seat on the train in the morning.
Lower take-home pay and the high cost of ammo make me less angry* about the 7 round limit Governor CuoMao placed on magazines in NY.
*Still angry, just less angry. Slightly less.
Burglars can’t afford the gas to rob as many as houses as they used to.
Much shorter check out lines in stores.
Fewer animals being hurt/killed by recreational boats, airplanes, and/or campers.
Old ladies have to cut down on the number of cats they have.
Trading floor of the NYSE is a much quieter, less hectic place to work.
I get to google Jimmy. You know what’s surprising? There’s more than one.
Sorry: Google.
CarolyntheMommy, I suspect you’re wearing beer