Straight Line of the Day: Kim Jong Un Threatened to Attack South Korea. President Obama…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Kim Jong Un threatened to attack South Korea. President Obama…


  1. …serenaded the UN…

    We study nuclear science, We Love commie masses.
    Gotta crazy world Leader, can’t fill his fathers glasses
    Bomb production’s going great, And the missle’s flying better.

    We’re refining it right,
    Plutonium’s weapons Grade,
    Korea’s future is so bright,
    We’ll hafta wear shades.

    We’ve got uranium waiting for nuclear testing,
    A test explosion here, causes lots of fear
    Missile tests going great, targetting is getting better

    We’re refining it right,
    yea, its weapons Grade,
    ‘Countryside’ll be so bright,
    We’ll hafta wear shades.

    Well Korea still must test, so world be wise,
    Kim’s gotta nuclear techie, with some x-ray guys,
    Bombing South Korea’s great, the United States is better.

    Got South Korea in our sights,
    and the North is gonna raid,
    Kim Jong-un’s future’s so bright,
    We gotta wear shades

  2. … thought any region with the word “south” in the name is probably racist and could use a good nuking

    … asked his staff to make sure there is no possibility of fallout landing on his retirement home on Hawaii

    … appointed Rand Paul the new Ambassador to South Korea

    … asked his staff to make sure he gets one of those new Galaxy S4 phones before it happens.

    … said “don’t bother me when I’m trying to sink a 40 foot putt”

  3. . . . flew to Pyongyang to bow to Kim Jong Un personally, dispatched Hillary Clinton to the Korean ambassador with a “Reboot” button, sent John Kerry to the United Nations to ask them to beg North Korea to engage in negotiations, and scheduled a World Apology Tour to give everybody the warm fuzzies about America, so that it would be inconceivable for anyone to want to nuke us.

    Oh, wait, this was supposed to be a joke answer . . .

  4. …didn’t rest until Jill Biden showed up to hide behind South Korea’s door.

    …warned him that he would come over there to sequester and take names, and he was all out of sequester because of the budget cuts.

    …finally let the kids and Michelle out of the bunker when told their missiles weren’t made out of meat, not that kind of meat anyhow.

  5. …initiated plan to wait for an American citizen he is going to kill with a drone strike to stand next to Kim Jong Un.

    …began the Pyongyang Airedalelift to feed the starving Koreans.

    …called for gun control laws to make South Korea safer.

  6. …was luckily bowing to another dictator at the time so he instantly realized that they could see eye to eye something, killing freedom for millions of people.

    …offered to loan our border fence to the S. K.’s and said since N. K.’s are shorter than Mexicans it ought to work just fine.

  7. … had his top generals try to explain to him why we should get worked up about Un troops in South Korea when there are already UN troops there. Abbott-and-Costello sketch ensued.

  8. .. said “Yeah, I got a Nobel Peace Prize. Go find someone who got the Nobel War Prize if you want advice on handling this.”

    He also said something about a balanced approach and the failed policies of the past, and asked people to let him be clear, but frankly no one can remember what he said.

  9. …shrugged, said hey, man, I killed Osama ben Kenobi with a team of trained seals, what I got to fear from one little yellow dude with a bad haircut? and went back to smoking Choom while Al Green played full blast in his headphones.

  10. … warned Kim Jong Un that any preemptive nuclear strike on the U.S. would lead to an indictment against him in New York federal court.

    … said he could not sanction such actions, and would meet them with sanctions. Then he got confused and wandered off.

    … asked Hillary if it made a difference.

    … sent the South Korean Army whistles and scissors, and told them they didn’t need assault weapons.

    … called Kim Jong Un and told him it would be much, much easier to destroy the South Korean government from within.

    Man, we are all a cynical bunch, aren’t we??

  11. …figured if the South Koreans did not speak North Korean nobody there would get scared enough for it to matter.

    …asked the Queen to send that iPad to lil Kim when she was done learning his speeches, as a peace offering.

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