The Devastating Sequester

So now a number of people are thinking Obama cried wolf on the sequester and hurt himself. Obama was hyping devastating effects of the sequester like people getting laid off, criminals being released, and essential services being ended, but that was all straight out lies and so far the only way he’s been able to make the public feel it is to save $18,000 a week by canceling White House tours (but he’s still keeping his $277,000 worth of calligraphers).

You know, this sequester doesn’t seem like the optimal way to do cuts, but perhaps it’s the only way to do any cuts while we have a dishonest nitwit in office. What a great idea it was; I wonder who thought of it? Oh yeah, Obama. Good work, dummy.


  1. “we have a dishonest nitwit in office.”

    Republican, Democrat, whatever. Either way I’m not confident we’ll have a president who isn’t a dishonest nitwit ever during my lifetime. I’m starting to think that’s a requirement for the position

  2. It should be noted that there are no cuts, just a reduction in the amount that the budget was going to be increased.
    They are still scheduled to spend more this year than last year – even with this alledged sequester.

  3. How many BILLION has Obama given to the Muslim Bruthahood?
    How many MILLIONS has Obama given to Hamas and other Anti-Israeli Terrorist organizations?

    How much money has Obama wasted on useless Solar-Green energy projects?

    There’s your damned sequester! This is all happening because of Obama’s Marxist childhood in a foreign land.

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