So, have you learned anything from the collapse of Greece or Detroit or from the success of Texas? If you did, well then that’s why you’re not a Nobel-prize winning economist, because Paul Krugman says there is nothing to learn from any of those. Who knew that economics doesn’t use data?
And also on the learning nothing front, Obama gave a speech on economics yesterday which, if you weren’t live in attendance, you could have sworn was a rerun. All these years watching the economy, flounder, and apparently he’s learned absolutely nothing. Krugman must be nodding his bearded chin in approval.
I’m starting to worry about the whole country collapsing in a pile of debt and unemployment, but I guess I shouldn’t get too worried about. It’s not like there will be a test afterwards… since there will be nothing to learn from it.
An economic model based on lead and brass still looking pretty good right about now.
Those who cannot learn history are doomed to major in economics.
Economics is basically the science of predicting the past. Economists come up with theories and then try and prove them by explaining history.
Give a man a fish and it’s flopping around in his hand trying to suck all the oxygen out of the room and you have an Obama speech about a stupid fish in your hand.
“I’m starting to worry about the whole country collapsing in a pile of debt and unemployment, but I guess I shouldn’t get too worried about. It’s not like there will be a test afterwards… since there will be nothing to learn from it.”
I just thought I’d copy and paste that and see if I could learn from it.
Jimmy, are you back? 🙂
Wow that’s what real unadulterated arrogance looks like. We haven’t seen that level of hubris since, well, since Achillies, wait maybe Chamberlin (the peace in our time guy with Hitler). Those who refuse to learn from history are DOOMED to repeat it. Just don’t take the rest of us with you on your roller coaster to disaster, ‘kay.
Nope. I’m gone. 🙂