When you look at Twitter's trending topics, it's a lot easier to understand why they have to write "Do Not Eat" on silica gel packets.
— Ashley Feinberg (@ashfein) August 6, 2013
Got beat up by the guy who coined humblebrag.
— dan guterman (@danguterman) August 6, 2013
By 2018, the NYTimes and the WaPo will be 2 groups of middle aged women writing complements about each other on Facebook.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 6, 2013
All these people outside must not know Demolition Man is on AMC.
— Sean Gabay (@ixSEANxi) August 6, 2013
Every graf in an Obama speech: Partisan Attack + Attack on Partisanship + Call For Honesty + Made Up Factoid + "And the Middle Class"
— DepressiveBlogger69 (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 6, 2013