Where’s Frank?

Some of you noticed that Frank J. hasn’t been around this week. That prompted some to wonder, “Where’s Frank?”

So, just where is Frank?

Well, actually, I don’t know. Turns out he doesn’t report to me. I checked the IMAO org chart. Here’s a copy:



But, it may give us an idea of where Frank J. has been. Here are ideas:

  • Fixing the Obamacare Website. Not so that it’ll work, but that it’ll finally accept payments. To Frank J’s PayPal account.
  • Standing in line at Best Buy.
  • Standing in line at the Apple Store. For a frikkin’ gift card.
  • Standing in line at Walmart.
  • At home. He just forgot to set his alarm.
  • Standing in line at StubHub for tickets to Boise State’s bowl game. And, no, he doesn’t really understand StubHub.
  • At home, searching his files, trying to remember why he ever let me have keys to this place.

What about you? Where do you think Frank J. is? What’s he been up to?


  1. * Trying to get a rise out of Frank even when he’s here is virtually futile.

    * He saw shiny things while putting out the garbage and hasn’t come back.

    * His car broke and he had to walk home from work. But he forgot he doesn’t live in Florida anymore. He’s in Wyoming somewhere at the moment headed east.

    * He went real estate shopping and bought the farm.

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