New Southwest Airlines Commercial

BING You are now free to kill a six year-old.


  1. Tailwind, they said here on the local Chicago news – the controllers sent they plane up in a FREAKING TAILWIND, which anyone who has ever flown a plane knows is a really bad idea. In snow, on a really big plane, in a residential area. Granted, the pilot can say no, but I’m sure he assumed the pattern was correct (demanding that the airport change the pattern can be a safety issue in its own right). So this poor pilot has this to live with for the rest of his life.
    What makes Laurence’s joke funny in a heart-stopping sort of way is that it’s true – one really stupid mistake and BING, extreme tragedy. There is a class of humor where you laugh at the absurdity and then realize a half second later “Oh, sh*t, it’s completely true and we are so doomed!” A form of gallows humor, I guess. You laugh because it’s preferred to crying and you have to vent.

  2. I’m not one who is afraid of graveyard humor, which is why I wondered about commenting in the first place. Maybe I’ve gotten soft since having my own kids.
    And I agree about Midway. It sucks. I bet the tower / airport management is more responsible than the pilot. What do you do when you touch down on a slippery runway that isn’t properly maintained?

  3. I’m sorry but I must be a sick bastard, but I got a funny out of your post. Was it sick? Yup! Humor is humor because it takes us by surprise…this one took me by surprise…

  4. Nah… it’s a little softer, like a bing, not a ding.
    I know I’m wrong for saying this, but I heard the kid was singing ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s tragic, and definitely ruined a happy occasion, but imagine if that plane were the one that looks like it nailed Santa.

  5. FYI…The Pilot-in-Command (aka The Captain) is the FINAL authority as to the safe operation of the aircraft. It is his duty and responsibility to tell the air traffic controllers if he can’t accept the conditions of their request. (i.e. to land on a very short runway, in a residential area, that has snow all over it!!) Don’t forget their accident in Burbank, CA several years ago. Off the runway into the gas station!! Southwest Airlines killed that little boy because they have a cavalier attitude towards safety. Period. It just finally caught up to them.

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