(Via BlogHouston)
Well, Taranto ripped our local Symphony a new one over political correctness gone amok:
Handel’s Messiah
By Conductor Christopher Seaman
Both an awe-inspiring holiday tradition and a memorable religious experience, Handel’s Messiah returns this holiday season. Guest conductor Christopher Seaman leads Houston’s premier performance of Handel’s choral masterwork, which includes the timeless Hallelujah Chorus.If they really want to be sensitive to those who can’t stomach “Christmas,” shouldn’t they change the name of the work to, say, Handel’s “Dude”?
Since they can’t handle Christmas Time, let’s see what other days of the week and months the Moonbats want to change:
Monday = Change to Munday so they can spell it.
Tuesday = Change to Twosday so they can spell it.
Wednesday = Change to Wensday so they can spell it.
Thursday = Named after Thor. Pagan God. Perfectly fine.
Saturday = Has “turd” in it. Obviously changed by the censors. Change back to Sashitday.
February = Change to Febuary so they can spell it.
March = Soldiers march. Too military. Be more specific: “March For Peace.”
June = Sounds like it has “Jew” in it. Change it. “Martin Luther King Month.” (“Um… but he was born in January” “RACIST!”)
July = Sounds like “Jew lie.” Well, they do. That’s why we’re in Iraq. Damn Neocons. Keep it the way it is.
Wednesday is derived from Wodinsday – Odin’s day. Also a pagan god. Also perfectly fine. For liberals any god is okay except the one that created the universe… It’s like multiple choice, and the correct answer is A, and they mark B, C, D, and E (all of the above) but write in “but not A.”
And First!
Everywhere Democrats govern you see this anti-Christian crap. It is not a coincidence. If your a Christian and voting Democrat you need to do a self evaluation of your salvation. Odds are your a humanist pagan playing at Christianity and that won’t cut it.
Just as a reminder:
I really like the change to June, very true.
On the face of it, this article makes no sense. I guess I’ll have to be un-lazy and go click on the link.
Last time I heard the Houston Symphony Orchestra I was too young to know good from bad.
Okay, I clicked on the link…didn’t see anything about the symphony.
Off your meds again?
Also, that number I had to type to post the comment had 3 6’s in a row. Something evil is afoot here!
Did not know some of your funniest posts were over here at IMAO. Time to add another blog link.
why is there an ad for dontblamemeivoted4kerry.com on your site?
I LOVE Handel’s Messiah. My high school orchestra played while the chorus sang it every year for our winter concert. It is such a pretty song, and the violin part is so much fun to play.
I think that the Moonbats weouldn’t object to a day with the word Turd in it. They like to work “Blue”.
P.S. Pun intended.
Brian the sailor, try this link, search for “Handel”
in other news the Moon bats are on my personal agenda to become the newest extinct species.
Seriously, when will liberals get it that they are wrong…
just imagin it… right after Jesus comes back and the whole amazing glorious appearing all the liberals will just stand there for a moment… thinking about it all…
and right as Jesus says,”ok, everyone, time for judgement, it’s now officially too late to change anything.”
all the liberals will get it and scream something to the effect of,”
and I will laugh as i go to heaven…
March could become Step Lively!
Or Febyouary, since it really is about you.. now, time for hugs, closure and Paul McCartney albums for everyone
Monday = Moon Day – Pagan moon worship
Tuesday = Tues Day – Tues, also known as Tyr: German/Nordic god of War
Wednesday = Wodin’s Day, aka Odin. German/Nordic chief god
Thorsday = Thor’s Day, German/Nordic thunder god
Friday = Frey Day, German/Nordic fertility god
Saturday = Saturn Day, GM produced non-electric automobile. Must go.
Sunday = Sun Day, pagan sky worship again.
So that’s just one of seven we have to ditch.
Handel’s “Messiah” is properly called a holiday oratorio because it has two parts, a Christmas portion and an Easter portion. If the Houston Symphony only performed the first part, then the paper might be criticized for using the word “holiday” in their review. However, the Hallelujah Chorus is in the Easter portion, which makes this a multi-holiday work. If you’re going to have a serious crusade in favor of “Christmas,” don’t blindly castigate everyone who uses the word “holiday”. They just might be right.
Kudos Tsymyn for explaining about Wednesday. Actually, most of the days of the week are named after Aesir and Vanir (Norse Gods)
Monday – named after Muna (known as the moon – btw a male).
Tuesday – named after Tyr (pronouced tue) – God of the disabled, justice and war.
Wednesday – named after Wodan, as the Germanic tribes called him. Known to the Norse as Odhinn.
Thursday – you’re right. This day was named after Thor, god of the comman man.
Friday – named after Frig, the silent goddess and wife to Odhinn. Others say this day is named after Freyr (male of the Vanir who rides a golden boar) and Freya (female of the Vanir who is goddess of abundance and love, also leader of the Valkyrie).
Saturday – named after the god Saturn, not in the Norse Panthology.
Sunday – named after Sunna, she who drives the chariot we see as the sun.
The Vikings won out with some of their gods names being commemorated. This does tend to freak out the Christians when they learn the origins of the days of the week names.
Just to help your mind rest easier, RA, I am not a Christian, nor do I play at being one as you accused Tsymyn of doing. I am a legally ordained Gydhja (Asatru Priestess) and a Spakona.
Have a good Jul season.
Bryan, apologies to you for not having gone throughly through the comments before I posted. You did a fairly decent job of explaining the gods associated with the names of the days of the week.
As a PSA for those not understanding what I was talking about I’ll put it in Christian terms.
A Gydhja is a female minister, thus Priestess. A Spakona is one who travels to other worlds, usually the realm of Lady Hel (now you know where the name Hell comes from that Christians use). The realm of Lady Hel is nothing like that envisioned by Christians. There answers are sought for those needing more insight than is usually found on Midgard (where we all live).
And no I am not engaged in Christian bashing with these posts. I’m trying to help those with an open mind understand where what came from.