Ronin Thought of the Day

Dubyazuke Bushimi

“To retreat before victory would be an act of recklessness and dishonor, and I will not allow it.”

The true samaurai knows that quitting is only winning if you define victory as being a loser. Those advocating “cut and run” should ‘cut’ open their own bowels and let them ‘run’ out onto the ground.
Death before dishonor!


  1. Death is lighter than a feather.
    Duty is heavier than mountains.
    Alternately, as ‘Dick’ Dudgeon said in The Devil’s Disciple, while speaking of during-the-Revolution Americans,
    “Given a choice between helping his fellow man or killing a foreigner, a true patriot will always kill the foreigner.”
    (As portrayed by Kirk Douglas).

  2. It seems that the left doesn’t know what honor is, or they just don’t care about it.
    However, they do care about our troops and want them home safely (except for the baby killers, the torturers and the officers that should be fragged) and they care about the Iraqi people, (who were better off with no freedom, rape rooms, torture [Saddam’s tortures were OK] and mass killing,) and they believe in peace and love, which they prove by beating up anyone with a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker, or anyone who doesn’t agree with their peaceful, anti-war stance.

  3. Actually the left (read most Democrats) don’t like our troops. They want to bring them back and lay them off. Clinton did this for half a million of them. Clinton called it cutting the federal bureaucracy.
    Then they want to raise taxes on the rich (read small business) so our laid off troops will have no work. Then they will extend their unemployment benefits and tell them how good the Democrats have been to them.

  4. //You’ve had your heyday and finally, the ends draws near for you and your kind.//
    Wait, wait, if the end is drawing near why are the polls on Dubya’s popularity getting better? Even the skewed left slanted polls are showing a rise in his approval rating. Best take off your slanty glasses KR. They’re warped.

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