The Married Man Is in the Hizouse!

Guess who’s back, very tired, and has an extremely busy week ahead of him before he can go on his honeymoon cruise?
Give you a hint. Name starts in an F and ends in a J.
I just found out yesterday I need a copy a certified copy of my birth certificate or they won’t let my on the cruise, so I’m scrambling to get a new one sent to me express while at the same time trying to find what happened to the old one.
Anyhoo, I’m not going to go full details of the wedding right now, but one of my biggest disappointments was that I barely got to talk to Kevin (a.k.a. cadet happy, a.k.a. sirkisser, a.k.a. mud shoelace, a.k.a. that guy who always photoshops me to look gay, a.k.a. beardo lawyer) and his daughter at all, but he was kind enough to already have up a great photo round up. I also got to meet the blogger formerly known as Spoons and his wife, the first documented blogger marriage. It’s cool how many people can find smart and pretty wives through blogging.
It was a great wedding, and my only regret was that the DJ (a marine, incidentally) did not have “I am the Walrus” on his Karaoke list (I sang “One Week” for my solo; how could I resist a song that mentions both Aquaman and samurai?). Also, it should be noted that Kris (iowsoccermom) has a great voice along with piano skills (check her site for pictures from the rehersal dinner). Sarah and her should form a band.
Speaking of Sarahs, my Silly Sister Sarah was never anything near overweight, but now she’s even thinner – like Calista Flockhart thin. She is available, BTW, so applications to date her can be sent so me. Those found lacking will be beaten within an inch of their lives for looking at my little sister.
Before I have my two week honeymoon, I’ll try to catch up on current events and do a little blogging this week. Then, in January, expect me and the rest of IMAO to be back in full force like never before.
BTW, is there anything better than marital sex?


  1. “BTW, is there anything better than marital sex?”
    Being a married man, myself, I’ve got to answer that…I don’t remember, my mind isn’t what it used to be…rimshot.
    Well Mr. J., welcome to the married guy club, your decoder ring is in the mail.
    The weird thing about getting hitched is you don’t feel all that different after the wedding than you did before. Oh sure, you lose your will to live, and you stagger through life a mere parody of a man, but other than that, same old same old.
    Seriously though, Congrats.

  2. BTW, is there anything better than marital sex?
    Never been married, so I don’t know, but, past the age of fifty, it’s really hard to beat a good cigar, followed by a good beer and a nap.

  3. i can’t believe you’re blogging about sex. i always figured i’d be the one to do such a thing, and you’d be blushing about it. but i’m not blushing. 🙂
    your sister is not Calista Flockhart thin, because that would be too skinny. Silly Sarah is perfect and beautiful.
    y’all should have seen Frank’s uncle Geoff when Frank was singing One Week. he started off laughing, then moved to whimpering, then he just held his hand in his face for the rest of the song.

  4. I am the same weight I have always been!
    What are you going around remembering me fatter? Do I sound overweight on the phone? Do you have some many preconcieved notions about the pleasantly plump that you think you can spot one by voice alone?
    Well, you are wrong, sir!! and in SO many ways!
    your sis ; )

  5. Yes, marital sex is best – I’ve been divorced a week now and miss it terribly. Cheating little…
    Now, please completely forget that first paragraph, Frank.
    About your sister… Hmmmm…. OK, where’s the form?
    Anyway, congrats in a huge way, Frank and Sarah!!! I hope it was the happiest day of your life so far, with many more to come!!!
    OK, seriously, where’s the form?

  6. If this is the sister who was at Bill Whittle’s reading a couple years ago, I will attest to her being completely gorgeous (albeit very young), thus giving complete lie to any theory of genetics she may share with Frank.
    Congrats to you all on the nupt-yools. I’ll have to wait until I get home to check out the pics.

  7. Ah, I wasn’t aware of Spoons and Spouse of Spoons having both been bloggers and met that way. I wonder how many others preceded me and Deb, and for that matter how many others like you have followed that I don’t know about.
    I was just telling Sarah that I still recommend quietly running off to Vegas. But too late now. Congratulations!

  8. Weddings are fun! (Yee haw).
    I wish we’d have been able to stay for all the Karaoke, but no one would have wanted to have to follow Sarah, anyway. Plus, we were beat from a 7am flight, and a day at the range with the DuToits.
    What a fun trip!

  9. I should mention, as an afterthought, that it’s probably best that I didn’t stay for Karaoke. My Award Winning rendition of “One Week” (2nd Place Karaoke on Royal Carribbean’s Serenade of the Seas, thankyouverymuch) might have made you feel… inadequate.
    And I just didn’t think you needed that on your wedding night… at least not before the guests left.

  10. I was at FrankJ’s wedding. The bride is beautiful and Frank has grown into a handsome man. I haven’t seen Frank for eight years and it took the poor guy about 30 seconds to place me. He kept staring at me. I felt bad for him. I don’t think you should quit your day job, Frank. Your voice left lots to be desired. I was glad I got to see you, your new wife and your family.

  11. Oh wow, I have been absent from my daily IMAO check in for waaay too long!! I had NO IDEA the nuptials had taken place! Jeez! Some loyal reader I am!
    Anyway, congratulations and many many years of times…good and bad. The bad can do just as much good for your marriage as the good…does that make sense? You know what I mean I hope.
    And as for the sex question? Nope…nuthin better 🙂

  12. Congratulations Frank and Sarah. Being married is wonderful…sometimes tough, but wonderful nonetheless.
    Of course, I don’t have much authority on the matter since we just passed 4 months of marital bliss. 😀
    And as for the marital sex question…nope, there’s nothing better!

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