What the frick-n-frack was that?

My lovely bride, you know the one, and I were on deck this morning after breakfast (Went down, stayed down! Yay!), taking in the Carribean view. We were tired out from our excursion in Cozumel yesterday (I’ll post more on that later–nothing too eventful occurred, thankfully) and we just wanted some quiet time to relax. We were on the left side of the ship (port side?) and I think we were facing a generally south/southeast direction. We were standing there cuddling and staring out in the distance, wondering if my money was going to last to the end of the trip (that’s what I was thinking anyway), I glimpsed something out of the corner of my eye (lasting about a 1/10th of a second). At first, I just thought it was a stupid gull or something, but my mind told me it was something else, some distance away. I listen to my mind usually, so I turned my head to look for the object and I barely caught a flashing glimpse of it about 1500 yards away, moving away from us. Suddenly, it changed direction and was moving at what seemed like an enormous rate of speed parallel to the ship and about 20 degrees off the horizon. We observed the object this time for about 2 seconds as it whizzed by and dissapeared out of sight. I grabbed my camera, and as I waited patiently for it to boot up, I saw the object moving back into sight heading down its original course (from my left, heading to my right). I knew I could not point and shoot at the object because my camera could never function that quickly, so in a purely reflexive manner, I tried to make sure I could get a broad field of view and pushed the shutter button as many times as possible with the object hopefully in the len ‘s view before it disappeared for a second time. I clicked the button two or three times before the object disappeared. We waited for 5 awkward minutes, but the object did not re-appear.
As soon as we concluded that our object wouldn’t show up again, I switched the camera to the “view” function and we both waited for LCD screen to come on. As soon as it came on and was displaying the picture that I just took, we studied it, but there wasn ‘t anything noticably present, and as we looked at the first picture I took, there seemed to be nothing on it either. We were dissapointed but after we got back to the “cabin of confounded frustration”, I downloaded the pictures on SarahK’s laptop, removed the red-eye and, what do you know? The object was clearly present in one of the pics, but we couldn’t see it on the small screen of the camera.
My best estimate was that the object was 50 feet in diameter (it was roundish), was opaque (not shiny) and was about 100-150 feet off of the ground at a range of about 1000 yards away. However, in the picture, it looks kind of metallic, but it did not look like this when in motion. I also want to emphasize that I have lived near several airbases, have been to lots of air shows, and have a good general knowledge of all rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft being operated by our military and this object could never be mistaken for any of these. I would guess that the object was traveling at a speed of about 2-4 miles per second. I also want to say that after analyzing it in my magnificent mind thousands of times, I would have to say that I got a feeling that this object was being “playful” in some manner, sort of like Sydney but without the stupid monkey noises. I can’t explain that thought very well, but it’s just a feeling I had. I apologize that the photo doesn’t look that great at first glance, but the full-sized version (which I will post when I get to a cheaper broadband conenction) zoomed fairly well and there is no mistake that this thing seemed round.
The object is in the right upper portion of the picture and I forgot to add that when it was streaking by, it seemd to be pushing air or seemed to have a sonic wave in front of it or something to that effect. I’m not suggesting that this object was extraterrestrial in origin, but it certainly looked and acted like no flying craft I have seen before.
Not that this keeps me from being angry at Disney.
I want to believe, ronin?


  1. Whoa, 2-4 miles per second? That translates into about 7,000-14,000 miles per hour. The fastest man-made aircraft (excluding the space shuttle), the X-15 topped out at about 4,520 miles per hour, and only did so with the help of a rocket engine and ablative heat shield. And, it did it at an altitude of well over 100,000 feet. Any man-made aircraft flying at that velocity would have disintegrated, even with the ceramic tiles that the shuttle has.

  2. Third! Believe what you’ve seen, and what you’ve photographed. Is it extra-terrestrial? I dunno… but it’s definately not ordinary. You’ve caught a glimpse of the unseen world, things most people never see. Enjoy it for what it is, and don’t worry beyond that. Concentrate your energy on your lovely new missus….

  3. If you go to Cancun go to the Aquarium and swim with the dolphins. Its expensive but you’ll never forget it. You get to touch them and at the end they have you lie on your stomach with a life jacket on. Then two dolphines come behind you, putting their heads on both your feet and push you up and out of the water like a water skier. It looks hard but they do all the work and balancing for you. This is an event not to be missed.
    You can then buy a CD for $30 that shows you water skying on dolphins.

  4. Ok, I admit it. It was me. I was hoping to get your attention and be mentioned on your cool website.
    Yes, 2-4 Mps-econd. My craft uses a rather ingenuis method of simply taking the air (or water, oil, rock, whatever) from in front of the craft and putting it behind the craft. Kinda like a transporter type effect. As it does, my craft must then occupy the area of the missing material or the universe will implode on itself. Not to worry, the Must part is like baseball, where the person on first must move toward second, he has no choice.
    Maybe I’ll buzz the ship again after I get back from a quick closeup looksee of Eta-Carine and the Horsehead Nebula…

  5. Frank J,
    The left side of the ship is starboard. In the really old sailing vernacular “starboard” was called “larboard”, so the memory tool is larboard Frank J,
    The left side of the ship is starboard. In the really old sailing vernacular “starboard” was called “larboard”, so the memory tool is larboard <starboard rhymes) is to left, and you “right” home to port. Also, neat pic of what ever it is. Although, as an avid amateur astronomer with 16 years spent searching the heavens with my 10″ Newtonian I have seldom if ever run across something that could not be explained. I have seen many things that at first glance caused the hair on the back of my legs to run but upon further deep-breathing and inspection turned out to be common items or tricks of the eye and lens. I have also spent a lot of time around military hardware, as my father is an active duty Air Force pilot with 24 years in, and have not seen anything they are currently using that looks like that. There are rumors of a project called Dark Star (I think) that have circulated for years. It is supposed to be a U.A.V. with saucer like properties, but I have never bothered to substantiate these rumors.
    Have you considered you might still be suffering from the sushi–
    Cheers and all that good rubbish–

  6. What the!?! Sorry here is the entire post…
    Frank J,
    The left side of the ship is starboard. In the really old sailing vernacular “starboard” was called “larboard”, so the memory tool is larboard What the!?! Sorry here is the entire post…
    Frank J,
    The left side of the ship is starboard. In the really old sailing vernacular “starboard” was called “larboard”, so the memory tool is larboard <starboard rhymes) is to left, and you “right” home to port. Also, neat pic of what ever it is. Although, as an avid amateur astronomer with 16 years spent searching the heavens with my 10″ Newtonian I have seldom if ever run across something that could not be explained. I have seen many things that at first glance caused the hair on the back of my legs to run but upon further deep-breathing and inspection turned out to be common items or tricks of the eye and lens. I have also spent a lot of time around military hardware, as my father is an active duty Air Force pilot with 24 years in, and have not seen anything they are currently using that looks like that. There are rumors of a project called Dark Star (I think) that have circulated for years. It is supposed to be a U.A.V. with saucer like properties, but I have never bothered to substantiate these rumors.
    You still might be suffering from the sushi–
    Cheers and all that good rubbish–

  7. The Vikings called the side of their ship its board, and they placed the steering oar, the “star” on the right side of the ship, thus that side became known as the “star board.” It’s been that way ever since. And, because the oar was in the right side, the ship was tied to the dock at the left side. This was known as the loading side or “larboard”. Later, it was decided that “larboard” and “starboard” were too similar, especially when trying to be heard over the roar of a heavy sea, so the phrase became the “side at which you tied up to in port” or the “port” or left side.

  8. Actually, Starboard is right, and Port is left. Frank is correct. The memory tool is “left” is 4 letters, and so is “port”. Of course, left and right are relative to the direction you’re facing. So, if you’re a forward thinker (e.g., conservatives) you’d be facing the forward (pointy end of the ship), and Starboard would be to the right. If you’re facing aft (the round end of the ship), then Starboard would be left. But only “progressives” face backwards and think they’re moving forward.

  9. This is an unbelieveable honeymoon. First sea-sickness, then sea-lice, over-exfoliation, and UFOs. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s installment.
    All we had on my honeymoon was, well, you know …

  10. I’ve decided you two need to come home. This Disney cruise has affected you! Not really. It was a UFO and you two saw it because it wanted you to. You are both credible, so I believe you (unless you ate mushrooms in Cozumel, unapproved by the USDA.

  11. There’s a way easier way to remember: “We should have LEFT PORT an hour ago”, how hard is that? Anyway, why would Frank J. suddenly turn his blog into one of those weird UFO sites–it makes it hard to take the other stuff seriously. Which I guess we weren’t meant to do anyway, since there’s all kinds of Aquaman and monkey/ninja references, but still…

  12. It is curious isn’t it that we haven’t heard from Aquaman on this? I would think he would be out patrolling the oceans, talking to fish and finding out what this is. Perhaps he’s playing a joke on Frank. Or….could this be the often rumored Aqua-plane prototype?? My sources hint it’s a combination sushi/personal methane powered ball of gas, and this could be it.

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