- yay! graphic violence! SPOILERS BELOW THE FOLD.
* darnit. credits say Audrey is still on the show.
Chloe, are you set up for the trace? of course i am, why else would i be calling you?
you know, for someone who gets manipulated so much, President Frenchie sure knows how to manipulate people… that is, until he doesn’t get his way and gets all whiney and starts yelling. he and Audrey should get together.
Badger’s gonna have a big role this season. yay!
Lynn McGill also has an annoying blonde chick in his life who calls during national crises. aw crud. i see a subplot. everyone has deadbeat siblings or stupid daughters or sniveling sons. Chloe and Edgar are the only ones with no freaky family (especially since Edgar’s mom offed herself). i love them even more.
Rene Rienne’s fake dad from ALIAS (the one that was frozen) is a new terrorist!
oh no! CTU is doing “domestic spying” without a warrant! President Logan must be held accountable! or someone must punch the ACLU in the nuts! which do i want more??
we’re already running out of time on the nerve gas! what are we gonna do for the next 17 hours or so??
i love Chloe!! have i ever mentioned that?? i loved the super-huge eye roll when Buchanan gave her trouble on using Spenser. Frank and i agree that the only thing missing from last week’s episode was Chloe. big giant void.
- yay! Audrey is going to get Kim and “bring her back to CTU”! the two of them can get kidnapped together! and then they can get chased by cougars. i hope they get mauled.
- is that a PPK that Badger’s carrying? funny, i think terrorists should carry way bigger guns if they want to use them to intimidate people. way scarier that way. if not way bigger guns, at least carry a P99 with a high-cap magazine!
there’s Martha! punch your husband! he deserves it! then kick him in the nads!
oh no! the exclamation points have taken over my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!1one! somebody stop them!
i clapped and yay’d for joy when she slapped him! that was exactly what i wanted her to do. i’m glad that Martha listens to me.
Chloe is in top form tonight.
Curtis is on a mission with Jack. i hope he doesn’t die, i really like him. i like them in the field together too. they’re two complete badpinkytoes. and you know, Curtis was on Tony Danza last week, so he shouldn’t die. ’cause if he does, we’ll know anyone who goes on Tony Danza has a character who’s gonna kick it.
don’t do that! Curtis’s vest shouldn’t even get shot! that’s too much for my poor thumping heart! don’t y’all know i have a brain tumor, and you shouldn’t mess with my head??
that girl doesn’t look like Neckid Mandy. so i was wrong about who the girl in the penthouse would be. whoever she is, she needs some food. Jack, quick! get her some food! Curtis! give the girl a Twinkie!
i really wish Mal would just waltz in with Zoe and knock Badger on the back of the head with Zoe’s gun.
maybe the underfed girl is going to be Jack’s new squeeze. wait. i wrote that before i knew she was 15.
ooh! Curtis is queueing up the bad guy in a chair so Jack can interrogate him! score! “you’ll get a lawyer as soon as i get what i need.” yay Jack. hey, terrorist dude, Jack’s telling the truth. you don’t want to go down that road with him.
this is sanctioned torture! oh no, that poor terrorist! what about his rights? i feel so sorry for him!
that guy opening the canisters looks like Tony when he has the full facial gear on. ya know, from a distance.
- how many damsels in distress are we going to go through this season? i’m already at my limit.
poor Chloe. “shut up, Edgar.” i adore her. i want to be her.
the president is just patronizing his wife right now. ugh, this actor should get an Oscar. he makes me angry, ill, and disgusted all at once. if he’s not really French, he deserves an award.
Walt killed himself? wasn’t anyone watching him? not that i’m sad to see him go, but i really wanted Jack to toy with him some more. and then kick him in the nuts. he’d kinda outlived his usefulness, though.
well, Lynn’s sister might be worse than the other dumb girls on the show. robbing your own brother. what a waste of a human body.
i’m sorry, that was insensitive of me.
sigh. if it’s not Audrey calling Jack during the middle of a crisis to talk about their relationship, it’s Jack calling someone during the middle of a crisis to find out where Kim is.
hmm, i wonder if they’re gonna lose the malnourished girl and Rossler’s gonna escape with her. i just hope she gets some food first.
wow. that underfed girl is a good shot. i guess Rossler’s not gonna escape with her since he’s dead now.
- whoa… next week is gonna be interesting. Frenchie is gonna order the nerve gas to be released in the mall. hey, i’ll bet that Kim, Chase, Chase’s baby, Diane, and Derek are all there shopping, along with Kate from season 3, plus her dad, plus Raisa’s parents, the Secretary of Defense, Audrey’s hippy brother, Behruz (sp?) Araz, and Rush Limbaugh. oh, and Lynn’s gonna stop by there for a Chai Latte on the way back from getting beat up by his sister’s boyfriend. what a bad day this is gonna be for Jack. at least Chloe’s safely at CTU where nothing bad ever happens. unless you count it getting blown up in season 2.
- i’ll have quotes tomorrow. there are dishes to do and TV trays to put away before bed.
Graphic violence is my middle name.
What’s the deal with the “stable flow of oil?”
Halliburton! No war for oil! Now war for oil!
Did any one notice that John McCain was in last nights episode? He hands some documents to Audrey, when she is speaking to Jack
No, sarah, that would be a Makarov pistol… it’s a dirty CommieGun, in an underpowered cartridge that’s still just a wee bit better than an PPK
NRAForever: Did any one notice that John McCain was in last nights episode?
I did! I was all like, “Hey, that guy looks like John McCain!” Then I read this morning that he had a cameo…
forgive me, but couldn’t releasing nerve gas at a mall actually be a GOOD thing? no more overpriced, ugly clothes and pratting, self-important teenagers who dont have anything better to do than use the word “like”, like, 500 times, like, a day. y’know?
Why does the sun go down at night? Because Jack Bauer tells it to!!!!!
WHO was the actor who play Rossler????
Patrick Bauchau