McCain PWNED Obama!
Not that I am a big fan of McCain’s, really.
I haven’t liked him since he killed McAble.


  1. pwned? maybe. but then, as a US Senator and Presdiential wannabe, aren’t there more dignified and mature ways to express your displeasure with a colleague than posting a rambling, sarcastic screed on the interweb? seems like a very high-schoolish thing to me.

  2. He appears to have sent the letter to Obama’s office as well. It may be high-schoolish to have plastered a copy of it on the wall near the lunch room, but it looks like he also slipped a folded-up copy in Obama’s locker at the same time, so at least there’s that, heh.

  3. sarahk: i went back through and watched the scenes with Audrey and didn’t see him.
    Sarah, it’s right after the second commercial break (about 1:32:25pm 24 time). Split screen with the guy cutting open the canisters on the bottom, Chloe and Spenser in upper right, and McCain and Audrey in upper left.

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