Be Careful! He May Gore!

I realize I haven’t yet commented on all the crazy things Al Gore said at the Jeddah Economic Forum. Since Gore was Vice President for eight years and is a favorite of the muckadoos, I think it’s important to note what he’s doing. Many people were angered when he trashed us in front of the human rights giant Saudi Arabia by saying how America has been indiscriminately rounding up Saudis based simply on them breaking the law, but he also said other crazy things… specifically ten in number:
10. “Even though the NSA listens to all our phone calls, they won’t pay half my phone sex bills.”
9. “When you’re not watching, the dogs all laugh at you behind your back. I can’t prove it… but it’s true!”
8. “Oilcan!”
7. “Though I was not elected President, I still am the lizard king!”
6. “If you are wondering why I’m wearing Kleenex boxes on my feet, it’s because the neo-cons spy on us through our shoes.”
5. “If I told you the reason I’m wearing women’s underwear, though, they’d kill you too.”
4. “They say I’m stiff, but look at me raise my arms above my head.” (minute later) “There, I did it.”
3. “In America, they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people.”
2. “First the police came for the muggers. Then for the liquor store robbers. Who will these Nazis round up next?”
And the number one other crazy thing Al Gore told the Sauds–

“The American people are so stupid, the almost elected a complete nutjob as their leader in 2000!”


  1. Gore went so far off the deep end after getting beat in 2000 I don’t think he can ever come back. An honorable man would take the hint and fade into obscurity, but we’ve all seen that “honorable man” and “democrat” are apparently mutually exclusive terms.
    Maybe he should go back to inventing. This Internet thing he came up with seems to have some potential to be a decent idea.

  2. Whay does everyone keep picking on me? You don’t know how hard it’s been since I lost the election (both by vote AND by court)! Since I’ve been out of office, the money form China hasn’t been flowing in. I’ve tried to re-invent myself so many times, I don’t know who I am anymore! All I’ve been doing is trying to brown-nose myself into another wealthy backer…boy do those towel-heads have cash. What’s a guy to do? Become a clothing model for Eddie Bauer? Hey…wait a minuit!
    Best Wishes,
    Al Gore, RDDB (As far as I can remember)

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