Is it less horrific if you think of it as a fourth trimester abortion, liberals?

Two weeks after Britney Spears caught heat for riding with her baby in her lap and trying to defend her stupid actions, leave it to Houston to demonstrate why babies shouldn’t ride in the driver’s lap:

A 1-month-old infant riding in its mother’s arms was killed after being ejected from a car that overturned in an accident on Tuesday, police said.
A 3-month-old baby and a 2-year-old child who were unrestrained were injured, police said.
The three children and three adults were in a Ford Mustang, trying to pass the driver of a Nissan pickup truck on Alabonson near Milda in northwest Houston when the accident occurred about 3 p.m., said Houston police Sgt. John Ogden.
With the exception of the 1-month-old’s mother, the relationships of the other adults and children in the car were unclear Tuesday. The gender of the children was also not available.

Welcome To Houston: Seat Belts? Pfeh!

IMAO’s podcast is not the only one I am a part of. I have my own as well as participating in several others.
Every week on Shire Network News I turn in the “Full Of Crap Report” where I mock some celebrity or politician or entire country for being… well… full of crap.
Last week was Britney Spears for her idiotic responses to getting caught driving with her baby in her lap. Some considered me a coward for not addressing the Mohammed Cartoons and discussion how I handled the death threats against me.
With this child’s death and the serious injuries to two others to the point where newspaper reporters couldn’t figure out their genders, I stand vindicated. Or, when I’m sitting, I sit vindicated.


  1. Yeah, leave it to Houston. I’m sorry, but Houston has some of the worst traffic in the world, and certainly the worst in Texas. I’m not sure if you could pay me enough to live in that area again. Too many crazy people who lack any sense of Texas manners around there. I dunno how you put up with it…

  2. IE: Comment from Austin, try coming to Reno some time. We’re under a full scale commie invasion from the red state just to the right of us. Personally, I’m all for building a great wall of America that starts from the eastern side of Mt. Ranier and it’s mountain range, down through the eastern boarder of Oregon and California and across the entire Southern boarder of the USA. The commies have ruiend the majority of the west coast, and now they are spreading like a cancer. They made their bed, now make them lie in it, instead of infecting the rest of the country.

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