National Black History Month

Okay, so some of you have been wondering why we haven’t done anything on National Black History Month. Well, besides the fact that we’re all a bunch of white guys (with one white gal who’s pretty), there’s the fact that any attempt to come up with anything funny about National Black History Month by non-blacks would be considered racist.
Or, as Oliver Willis puts it: RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the Token Jew of IMAO, I feel a bond with all sorts of other tokens in our society, especially token blacks. After all, weren’t Jews slaves to the Egyptians under Pharaoh Ramses? Didn’t each of us have our era of domination in the NBA? And the boxing ring? And weren’t Jews shipped to the New World in gigantic boats?
(Okay, so we weren’t chained up and sold like livestock. Except for those of us in show business.)
So with all this in mind… um… err…
Sammy Davis Junior! Sammy Davis Junior! Sammy Davis Junior!
There. I did it. You thought I couldn’t do it, but I did it.
Remember, it’s National Black History Month for the rest of the month. And it’s a non-leap year, so you’re getting ripped off with just 28 days of National Black History Month instead of 29 days of National Black History Month.
Thank you, and peace out.


  1. I’m still waiting for a WHITE history month, and yes we’re forgetting about the mexicans except during the migration period when they try to cross the Rio Grande, then its open season for all that are qualified for long range plinking….

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