The most annoying word of 2006

It’s only February 4th, and I already know what the most annoying word of the year is going to be: Brokeback.
Yeah, you sometimes get your Where’s the beefs? or your e-Something or Something-dot-com, but Brokeback Something is getting old really fast.
The problem with the “Of The Year” panels of self-appointed experts festivals at the end of the year is that nobody remembers what was really annoying or popular back in the early months. The Recency Effect makes people focus on the annoyances of November or December, while the annoyances of January and February feel like a lifetime ago.
Or, in Shirley MacLaine’s case, a previous-lifetime ago.
They also never agree on the words. Podcast, Truthiness, and Integrity all had equal footing this year. (Note to Frank: We need to do a “Truthiness Integrity Podcast”)
What do you think will be the word of the year for 2006?


  1. MUSLICIDE. The act of (Muslims) moving to a western country only to leech off it’s generous welfare programs, and then calling for its’ destruction over something stupid like an editorial cartoon. Resulting in the Host (you know, like a parasites host) citizenry to wake from their stupor and brake (no, not BROKE!) out the DDT!

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