Why didn’t someone tell me IMAO.com was coming up for sale? It was just bought for $2,150, and, from the looks of IMAO.com, it’s one of those sites made to get traffic from people meaning to come here.
So what happened to the Japanese handle makers?
(thanks to reader Hutz for alerting me to this)
UPDATE: Apparently there was a whole auction for it and everything. Eh, I couldn’t have afforded it anyway.
I see links for Mace, Jewish Dating, and Jewish Singles.
As I recall… yeah, that sounds about right.
Pretty racy-looking ad, too. Say…Frank? Ever consider those or would SarahK shoot you for suggesting it?
I like how the top says IMAO Podcast
I just had a blank verification code
Wow. I think they’re trying to attract people who mistype imao.us.
I mean, jewish dating, pepper spray, mace, stun guns…
Pretty much the same thing.
Fortunately Frank, we all know there is only ONE IMAO!!!
And this is it!
“Eh, I couldn’t have afforded it anyway.” Frank, Frank Frank. Eh? are you going all candian commie on us now? Bad!
Sue them for it – Its the American way!
If only we knew a lawyer….