I saw this on the Daily Kos front page over the weekend and thought I should pass it on. Apparently, President Bush’s evil has expanded to the point that HE’S DESTROYING MOUNTAINS! I don’t know all the details, but somehow Bush is currently destroying America’s mountains as even geographical features are no longer beyond his wrath. I guess in the nutroots eyes, Bush has now moved up from cartoonish supervillian to angry god.
A warning to the nutroots: If President Bush can destroy mountains, how easy must it be for him to destroy a blog full of wiener kids. Something to think about before you oppose him.
I was being lighthearted when I first wrote this post, but if you take an honest look at the issues you will agree that the number one problem facing America today is too many mountains. Thus I support President Bush in his mountain destroying initiative. It’s good to see that someone has faith at least the size of a mustard seed.
Destroying mountains is good right? We all want Amerika to reduce the size of it’s carbon footprint. What better way? Think of all of the gas that will be saved when everything is flat. We can become energy independent, reduce our carbon footprint and protect Mother Gaia. I say it is about time that bushitler did something right. I am joining the flat earth society in preparation for the day he destroys all of the mountains of earth.
So he says to the mountains “be ye cast into the seas” and they are! That. Is. AWESOME!!!!! I wish he would do that with hills, too. Or, at least, ONE Hill would be enough for me!
Destroying mountains should be a state issue, not federal, except for mountains that span multiple states, I guess. Plus, we’ll need fill dirt for that “Grand” Canyon, so that’s good. Carry on.
If Mohammed can’t come to the mountain, the mountain will come to Mohammed. And both shall be destroyed!
So say we all.
I was driving across Pennsylvania one time and I had to go all over creation to get around some stupid mountains. And that’s just the little ones out east. The big ones out west, forget it, you’re better off just flying. Bush’s mountain eradication program is too little, too late as politicians always are.
Hillary is supposed to be so smart, what’s her plan for all these purple mounds of majestic pain in my ass?
I don’t believe that Bush can destroy mountains. If they had said Fred Thompson can destroy mountains, I would nod my head in agreement, sip my coffee, and thank God that I’m not a mountain.
I wonder if that is the reason Bush and mountains were associated with each other in beer commercials since the 70’s?
This has been planned for decades!
Busch Lied,
Mountains died!
haha bush is is my hero. i wish i could destroy mountains. i think i would spend more time on crushing the fools who dare to oppose me though 🙂
The mountains is what keeps the East coast and the West coast from expanding into the central part of the country! With no mountains, the Democrats would totally rule!!
Please, moonbats – quit your whining and take action. The only thing that can save the mountains is for you to become human shields! You may die in the explosions, but your sacrifice will save the mountains!
I’m serious.
Do it! Show your dedication!
Bush is smart. He’s plowing a VERY wide road through the Appalachian Mountains to enable the mass evacuation of the east coast which will be caused by global warming and rising oceans. When all those millions migrate to the mid-west, it will sink under their weight (except Texas)and cause an new inland sea to form, thus drowning everyone. Bush knows that you eliminate your enemies by first helping them.
I’m curious as to Bush’s standing regarding underwater mountains. The world’s tallest mountains are underwater! And with our glorious Global Warming(tm), they’ll soon be OUT of water! Something needs to be done, and soon.
In a fight between Aquaman and a mountain, Aquaman would pound sand… millennia before it actually became sand – ouch!
I can’t make up my mind on this one. On the one hand, I’ve lived many years in both Illinois, which has no mountains, and California, which has lots of mountains, and the people are definitely saner in Illinois. On the other, exhelodrvr has a very good point about keeping the nutroots out of the real America.
It must be the end times.
After all, it says in Isiah that “Every valley shall be exalted, and the moutains made low.”
it’s obvius that he’s destroying the mountains to make room for the concentration camps he’s going to put all the Kwazy Kos Kids. One day he’s going to make good on his threats!
That KOS guy made the assertion that “once mountains were destroyed, they could not be rebuilt”. That is so untrue! Walt Disney has built at least four of them in Southern California alone.
I think nature would be much more enjoyable if we blew up all of those boring brown and green mountains, and replaced them with cool mountains made by Disney.