Ronin Profile: hadsil


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s hadsil.

What’s the story behind your name? My geekiness is exposed. A long time ago I was playing the Ars Magica roleplaying game and my character gave birth to a son. I used the first letters of all party members’ names to get his name – Hadsil. It’s actually the coolest name, I think, I ever came up with for any character I’ve played. The father was another party member. We didn’t roleplay the consumation, but it would have been interesting.
Where do you live? Bay Shore, NY
How old are you? 37
Tell us briefly about yourself. Single, mostly harmless Jewish guy. I work in market research, so when I read of blogs here at IMAO or elsewhere chastising opinion polls, I have an insider perspective of irony. My company has not done the various polls that were talked about, but we have worked with IPSOS. Anyway, my geekiness is paramount. If it’s not D&D, then it’s nothing.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Over 2 years. Shameless plug: you can thank Michelle Malkin. I started to read her blog after I read her “Liberals Unhinged” book. She was my introduction to the blogosphere. I use her bloglist to get to my favorites.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? It was never anything specific, just the whole thing, but lately the John Edwards digs are getting my biggest laughs. To boost your ego, I was a solid Giuliani supporter but Fred Thompson is looking better all the time. A Thompson/Giuliani ticket would be primo.
[That would make the nutroots squeal in anger. -Ed.]
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Laughing At Liberals, but that’s easy.
What’s your favorite political issue? There are quite a number that pique my interest, but there is one issue I find that always gets my goat – men’s rights. Modern feminism is not about empowering women but rather destroying men.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. None
[A geek without a website? -Ed.]
What do you think would be the best part of a Hillary Clinton presidency? Republicans definitely get back Congress in 2010, the Presidency in 2012, and even then I’ll wish I lived in France.

If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

Ron Paul Rumor of the Day

You know what they say about Ron Paul: First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they ridicule you, then they ridicule you, then they ridicule you, then they ridicule you, then they ridicule you…

Just to Clarify…

I know I seem really pro-Fred Thompson here, but I just want it to be known that in the end I’ll support whoever is the Republican nominee… unless its Ron Paul. In that case, I’m going to seek out Morpheus so I can take the red pill.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards insists that The Producers wasn’t a “real” musical. Now “Rent“…
Bonus Fact from Matthew:
John Edwards’ favorite flower is the Cock’s Comb, as it combines his two favorite things.

Masturbation Week

So NBC changed the color of its logo green for this week while they had little segments in commercials telling people to save energy. Does anyone really think that accomplishes anything other than yelling, “Hey! Look at me! I’m environmentally conscious!” It’s just so masturbatory. People have been using little variations of the same tune since I was but a wee boy, and it’s nothing but people pretending that their meaningless efforts really matter to the world so they can feel good about themselves. The truth is, for the most part, the planet couldn’t care less whether you exist or not. Also, the biggest solutions to pollution come from innovations brought on by market forces that have nothing to do with good intentions (pollution is waste and thus inefficiency).
If you really want to do something to help the planet right now, kill a terrorist. Otherwise, being a productive member of our consumer society is good enough.
Oh, and properly dispose of hazardous chemicals.

Oil Spill of the Century in San Fran Bay, Environmentalists Remain Calm

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – An 810-foot-long container ship crashed into the base of a tower of the Bay Bridge’s western span in heavy fog Wednesday, spilling 58,000 gallons of fuel into San Francisco Bay. America’s leading environmental groups surprised pundits and analysts alike by neither feining outrage for fundraising purposes nor blaming President Bush to score political points with Democrats.

Unable to dodge an oil slick moving .1 mph, this bird deserved to die.

Sierra Club President Robbie Cox greeted the news with a noncommittal shrug. “If you consider how much water is in the Bay, the contamination is about 2 parts per billion. Hell, South San Francisco dumped 2 million gallons of raw sewage back in 2004. What’s a little oil on top of THAT?”
John Passacantando, Executive Director of Greenpeace USA, was similarly unimpressed by the news. “Back in 1996, over 40,000 gallons of oil got dumped in the Bay, and we made a pretty big stink about it. Turned out that by the time a year had passed, you couldn’t even tell. The beaches were open, and plant & animal populations were completely back to normal. I blush to think of how much time, energy, and funding we wasted fussing over what turned out to be nothing. We’re not falling into THAT trap again.”
Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund, seemed more annoyed by questions from the press than angry about the ecological tragedy. “Ok, so a few gulls & sea lions die. They’re just ANIMALS for cryin’ out loud! It’s not like any PEOPLE are going to die from this. And besides, the only animal fatalities will be those who are too slow or too stupid to avoid swimming through an oil slick. Those kinds of critters you want out of the gene pool, anyway. Hand of Darwin, and all that.”
Although Al Gore could not be reached directly for comment, his office did issue the following press release:
“It doesn’t affect global warming. I don’t give a @#$%.”

Ron Paul Hasn’t Read the Constitution!

I saw Ron Paul at a rally the other day, and he was all talking about how important it is to follow the Constitution, but where he finally cited something from the Constitution, he said, “The Constitution clearly states that hitting your ball into a water hazard is a one stroke penalty!”
That’s not the Constitution! This whole time he must have read the official rule for golf and thought it was the Constitution! All of his supporters just cheered, though, but maybe they didn’t hear him because they were wearing underwear on their heads.
I can’t believe a whole one percent of people want to vote for Ron Paul. Those are crazy people.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Many Democrats are hesitant about the Hillary candidacy because secretly they wonder if America is ready to elect pure evil.

Funniest Blog? Sadly, no.

Looks like IMAO once again didn’t win funniest blog in the Weblog awards. We got less votes than any other year, probably on a account of not being nominated.
I blame Harvey.

Muckasey Confirmed! World Doomed!

By a vote of 53-40, Michael Mukasey was confirmed as the next Attorney General, who, for all we know, will continue to allow George Bush to ignore the law and torture in the name of the United States.

Wow that really shook the rat cage and got them screeching and squealing over at Daily Kos. You have commenters calling all of the 53 senators who voted for Muckasey traitors and Nazis because they voted for some who wouldn’t say whether waterboarding — used on only three Al Qaeda operatives, the last time in 2003 — is torture.
How do you pretend to care this much? Is there a name for a syndrome where you take very personally world events that have nothing to do with you and probably will never affect you? It’s definitely a combination of arrogance and stupidity, I’m just trying to think of nice little name — wienerism, maybe.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Taxes get so depressed when they hear Fred Thompson is in charge that they cut themselves.